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Butkus Camera Manual Site
Updated - Jan. 2025

RICOH Camera Instruction Manuals

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List of many other camera manuals collected
from web sites that closed
over the past 15 years.  You must ask by the specific brand
and file name if you want one.

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 Butkus Camera manual site

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WARNING - Ricoh "P" lenses used on any Pentax film or digital AF body.
They can "lock on the mount" due to an extra pin on the Ricoh lens.
See this link about removing the pin.

This pin is on Sears and other aftermarket lenses made for
K-mount Pentax/Ricoh mounts (P/R) as well as
Adaptall Ricoh mount that also would have this problem pin.

Ricoh 300 Ricoh A-100
Ricoh 500 Ricoh 500 Seikosha MXL
Ricoh CR-5 *
* *
Ricoh PG-4 winder *
Ricoh KR-5 Ricoh KR-5 Super
Ricoh KR-5 III Sears KS-2
Ricoh KR-5sv Ricoh KR-10 - (Sears KSX)
Ricoh KR-10M Ricoh KR-10 Super
Ricoh KR-10M (booklet) Ricoh KR-5 Super II
Ricoh KR-10se Ricoh KR-10e
Ricoh KR-10x Ricoh 519 / Ricoh 519 M
Ricoh KR-V Ricoh KR-20sp
(identical to kr-30sp)
Ricoh Databack 2 Ricoh KR-30sp
(identical to KR-20sp)
Ricoh SP-winder Ricoh KR-30sp - Short instructions
Ricoh SLR Systems - Booklet Ricoh Singlex TLS
Ricoh Photographic
Product Catalogue (1978)
Ricoh Auto TLS EE
Ricoh R1 Ricoh R1E
Ricoh GR1, GR1s, GR1v Ricoh TLS 401
Ricoh Singlex Ricoh Marine AD
Ricoh Singlex TLS Ricoh Mirai
Ricoh"Singlex" fact sheet Ricoh Mirai 105
Ricoh Singlex II Ricoh Mirai Zoom 3
Ricoh XR-1/Sears KS-1000 Ricoh XR-1
Ricoh XR2s / XR-2 Ricoh XR Winder - 1
Ricoh XR-6 Ricoh XR-20sp
Ricoh XR-7
Sigma SA-1 clone
Ricoh XR-F
Ricoh XR-10 Ricoh XR-M
Ricoh XR-10M / XR-2000 Ricoh XR-10M
Ricoh XR-P Pocket Guide Ricoh XR-X3000
Ricoh XR-P  
Ricoh XR-X RicohXR-P in one page
Ricoh XR-X3pf
(full 60 pages broken into 3 sections)
Ricoh 126C-FLEX TLS
Ricoh XR-7 Mark II Ricoh XR-8 /XR-8 Super
Ricoh 500G Ricoh XR-240 Speedlight
Ricoh XR - S (Solar - older model) Ricoh 260P Speedlite
Ricoh XR Solar Ricoh XR Speedlight 180
Ricoh XR500 Auto Ricoh Focal 1000 TLX
Ricoh"35" Ricoh XR Speedlight 300p
Ricoh 35 w/rangefinder Ricoh XR Winder 2
Ricoh 35 DeLuxe *
Ricoh 35 EFL Ricoh Speedlite PX
Ricoh 35 FLEX Ricoh 35S
Ricoh 35FM Ricoh SLX 500
* Ricoh Caddy
1/2 frame
Ricoh Diacord L *
Ricoh Diacord G *
Ricoh COLOR-BACK "225"
(2 1/4 to 35mm adaptor)
Ricoh 500ME
Ricoh 500RF Ricoh RC-5 remote control
Ricoh Auto Half - Zone Focus
(same as auto half, just basic focusing)
Ricoh Super Shot
Ricoh Auto Half Ricoh XR Data Back RIQuartz
Ricoh Golden 16 Ricoh 35 ZF / ST
Ricoh motor 3 Ricohflex Color Back (35mm)
Ricoh 125C Automatic Ricohflex DIA 2 1/4
Ricoh Flex DIA L Ricohflex Dia M
Ricohflex VII Super Ricohflex
Ricoh Auto 35 Ricoh Super 44 (2 1/4)
Ricoh 800 EES Ricohmatic 44
Ricohmatic 126 (cartridge) Ricoh Auto 66 (2 1/4)
Ricohmatic 35 Ricohmatic 225
Ricoh RICOLET Ricoh Hi-Color 35
Ricoh Mate Ricoh 35 w/exposure meter
Ricoh listing of models Ricoh Auto Shot
Ricoh digital off-line manuals I have other Ricoh off-line manuals
in the list at top of the page.

Ricoh Point and Shoot cameras
I do not do much with point and shoot models.  With replacements costing under $50, why bother.
(2007 - few if any Point and Shoot film cameras are left to purchase, digital took over)
Ricoh TF-200 Ricoh FF-1S Ricoh FF-1
 Ricoh TF-500  Ricoh FF-3AF  RICOH AF-2 / AF-2D
 Ricoh EF-60  Ricoh FF-3AF Super  Ricoh AF-7
 Ricoh FF-8WR  Ricoh FF-9 / 9s  Ricoh AF-5
 Ricoh L 108 time/date back  Ricoh FF-10  Ricoh AF-55
 Ricoh Myport 310 Super  Ricoh FF-20 Wide Zoom  RICOH AF-70
 Ricoh XF-30  Ricoh FF*70  RICOH ONE TAKE AF
 Ricoh AF-303  Ricoh FF-700  Ricoh Shotmaster Tru-Zoom
 Promaster AF-1  Ricoh FF*90   Ricoh Shotmaster Zoom 105 Plus
 Ricoh 35 EFS  Ricoh accessories F*90 / 90d  Ricoh Shotmaster 130 Super QD
 Ricoh AF-40  Ricoh RZ-105SF   Ricoh Shotmaster Ultra Dual
 Ricoh AF-45   Ricoh RZ-770   Ricoh Shotmaster Zoom
  Ricoh LX-22 Ricoh RZ-880 / 800   Ricoh Shotmaster AF
 Ricoh L-20  Ricoh RZ-900 Ricoh Shotmaster AF Super
 Ricoh AD-1  Ricoh RZ-1000  Ricoh Shotmaster AF-P
 Ricoh YF-20  Ricoh RZ-3000  Ricoh Shotmaster Zoom Super
 Ricoh RZ-700s  Ricoh AF-100  Ricoh Shotmaster Ultra Zoom Super
 .  Ricoh AF-500  Shotmaster Ultra Zoom
Ricoh GR - 21mm
 Ricoh RC-5 remote control  Ricoh GR1
 .  Ricoh Guide book  Ricoh GR1S
 .  . Ricoh RT-550
 .  .  .

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All manual creations copyright© 2025
by M. Butkus, High Bridge, N.J.