Butkus Camera Manual Site

Update:  June 1, 2022 - how to print single page on double page scans or any "enlarged view".

Use the zoom feature to only show one page in the PDF widow, or zoom in on an area of the PDF.
Then FILE - Print - under "pages to print"  You may see "Current View or Print View" or you may need to click "more options" under "pages to print".  
Click Options - then choose "Current View or Print View".
When you print, that single page in that window will fill a page, allowing the text / image to be read easier.
You can then just use the "slider bar" and slide over to the other side, "print view" again.
Scroll down, and the "zoom view" will remain if you wish to print multiple pages this way.

This works on any PDF file, it's just an option in the program, not that scan.  Just remember, any PDF scan depends on the way it's made.   When you zoom in, you may lose clarity.  I scan the pages identifying parts at 120% or more.  So they can be zoom in for detail.

UPDATE:  Jan., 2017 - Any new files, or files that are fixed or combined [e.g. they were split due to large size], can be opened by Adobe 8 and above but they are certified.  You many get a "certificate" request, just ignore the request.

UPDATE: July, 2013 - Any new PDF files are being saved as Adobe X files REQUIRING the free Adobe Reader X or Adobe Reader XI. You can also use Foxit PDF Ver 6 or higher.   If you get an error trying to open a file "cannot decript" that is the issue.  There is no password required to open the file.   See this link

MAC computers:   If you get an error trying to open a file, asking for a password, most likely it's due to being an Adobe X PDF file.  I don't know if Mac updated their PDF reader, that is the problem.   Mac's old program wants to "edit" the file, which I don't allow.  As I state on the website you need an Adobe Reader.
There is no password I can send you.

1. You can install Adobe, it's basically web based anymore.  Then you have to open Adobe, then File - Open the file you download to your PC.   You can install Foxit PDF on the MAC.  Don't just click on the file again, Mac computers always use their program when you click. 

2. You can write to me and I'll convert it to a Adobe 8 certified file that Mac PC don't have any problem with.

Nook Color - Found a free one !  Search "Adobe reader app for nook color"   PDF READER by Ivan Ivanenko at the Google play store..

Android tables, IPad, Iphone, Smart phones... download the free Adobe app.

UPDATE: Oct. 2009 - Please don't send me any money to print and send you any manual.  This is an electronic library, all digital.   This is a hobby, and one person operation.  I do not have the time to print and mail a manual to anyone.  Any library has internet access or ask a friend, neighbor, son or daughter.  Heck your grandkids can do it !  I will return any monies sent for any print outs.  Only a few requests like this come per year, maybe this would clarify these requests.

If you wish for a company to print and bind any PDF, 
click here to find information on this outside company.

If you wish a printed manual, repair manual or other information on a camera...
try this company.  They accept credit cards  https://www.camera-manual.com/butkus/index.php

The above company (Print-My_PDF) is the same company.  But they will print any PDF you send them.
So any digital camera manual on a CD can be uploaded to Print-My-PDF and
they will give you a price for printing, binding and shipping before
you give them any credit card (PayPal) information.

UPDATE: Update your PDF reader.. I will be reverting back to Adobe Acrobat 8 Reader.  Any Adobe X file must be opened with Adobe !

FOXIT PDF reader solutions: 
You must be in Single Page Mode to "Print View" (an enlargement of the page)
View - Page Layout - Single

Page Scaling - fit to paper.  You can use landscape if you enlarge the view (above) if needed.
Then turn off "Auto Rotate" if printing landscape.

PRINTING TWO PDF PAGES ON A SINGLE SHEET:  If your printer has the ability to print multiple pages per sheet.  Click FILE - PRINT,  look at the "page scaling" and see if it does "multiple pages per sheet" and choose 1 X 2.  You should see an image of how it will turn out. You many want to do landscap mode too.  This is very specific to the printer, so it may not be offered by your printer.  You may also "fit to margins" or "fit to page size' and the image will cover most of the page.  Print one to make sure the image is clear enought to read.  My scans are rather nice and will print nice enlarged to the page margins.

FIRST: you must have Adobe 7.0 or ABOVE to click on or open the older files.  If the date at the top of the page of the PDF file is from 2007 or later date, I changed to Adobe 8 to create those PDF files.  I also changed the security type on the PDF.  So you may need Adobe 7 or 8 to open those.  Read the warnings below on the great number of Adobe 8.1 problems.  I would check out the 3.68 Mb  Foxit free PDF reader if you are having problems.  I will be trying it out in the next week.  I have 4 computers I try the files people tell me they have problems with. From Win ME to XP and Vista.  When someone (and only 1 or so a month) tell me they can't open the file.  I go to these 4 and they open fine.  There was a 5th compute (Windows ME) that had problems opening my files.  I used FOXIT, a they worked.  As the links below show, Adobe used to be a simple program.  Now it's way to complicated and over stuffed.

If you try one of the "PDF readers" and it is not Adobe, you most likely will have problems.  If you cannot open the file (Adobe screen opens but nothing shows),  you can download the PDF file by "Right Clicking" the link on my page and save the file to your computer.  Remember WHERE you saved it to.  Choose "MY DOCUMENTS" as the folder to save it.  If you can find the file in that folder, that shows the file is on the web site, but your Adobe could be old.  You still must have Adobe 5.0 or above to open it from your computer.  Adobe 8.1 is the most current version. 
May not work for Vista, PC version only. 

If you are using Firefox, it doesn't like Adobe that much (version 2).  Change the settings so it opens in the Adobe program, not with-in Firefox !  A few have reported problems with Firefox and PDF. FireFox 3 Beta 3 is out.  It's nice, try it.  Download and try opening it with Adobe.

Think you are the only one with with PDF problems. See links below.


SECOND: Are you sure you only have ONE version of Adobe. If you have the older 3.x or 4.x they remain on the computer after installing 5.x or 6.x.  If  you click the manual and get a statement: "file is damaged and cannot open" I would bet your version of Adobe is too old to open an encrypted Adobe file.  Try to Right Click the file and save to your HD and open it from there making sure Adobe 5.X or higher is opening the file.  

If that doesn't work, open Adobe 7.x or higher from the menu system and using the Adobe's FILE - OPEN and go to your saved file.

The old Adobe versions can be removed separately via Add / Remove programs. Sometimes they are set to open any PDF via a web page, where as the newer installs open only when a PDF file is opened from a hard drive.  Hence the problem at times, Explorer can be set to use an older version of Adobe.

THIRD: there are known problems of opening certain PDF files INSIDE Explorer.  This is an Internet Explorer problem.  I've removed that feature from my computer and never had a problem since.  To have a PDF file open Adobe by itself:

Go to the Adobe program.   Start - Programs - Adobe Acrobat

EDIT - PREFERENCES - INTERNET and click OFF the checkmark for OPEN IN BROWSER. 
Now when you open a PDF file it will open Adobe.

Have you downloaded the PDF to your PC? If you have, try opening them directly with Adobe 6 by going through FILE - OPEN - then locate the PDF you downloaded.  If it now opens, use the suggestion above.

AOL - I have heard AOL is not great for pulling up PDF files.  Try the "Right Click" and save the file to your Hard Drive and open it from the saved area.  OR CLOSE AOL's version of Internet Explorer.  Open up Internet Explorer by itself, go to my site www.orphancameras.com  and open the PDF file.  You bypass most AOL problems that way.

MAC computers - you're on your own with Adobe, my link to 5.1 is for PC only.  You still must have Adobe 5.0 or above to open it.

HTML pages - I have spent hours making PDF files of most of the old HTML manuals (standard WEB page).  If you find a HTML page and need to print it decent, just copy the page and place it into Word.  Change margins to .3" on all sides and move the text by adding "ENTER".   If need be, E-mail me with the exact page and I'll do it and post it as an additional link on that page.  Printing the HTML manual pages will just cut the pages where ever it wants, throw pictures on a single page.  Really mess up the looks.  That's why Adobe came up with PDF (Portable Document File) so everyone would be able to have the same output.  The good thing on HTML pages are the pages were scanned as TEXT so the text printout is perfect.  Abet some spelling errors were overlooked, missing words and other problems.  All together it took 5 to 7 hours to do one manual.  Plus the HTML images were scanned in the old 480X640 screen format.  So the images would fill half the page back in 1995-1999. With current 17' monitors came 800X600 resolution and then LCD's at 1280X720.   So those images seem smaller unless you choose "full screen" for the older camera manual pages.

The PDF files are scanned at 600dpi (B&W) or 400dpi (color).  They are mostly scanned as original size unless they are physically, tiny manuals.  I then scan the entire book at 135% or higher.  This brings out wear and tear defects and enlarges the "dots" of any photos.   I have started to scan the "camera parts" sections at 130% or more.  This helps with detail when finding the parts of a camera, scanning at this enlarged rate also allows better printing.  

When you open Adobe, you will see a % enlargement box almost in the center of the top of the menu.  You can enlarge or reduce that number to see detail of parts or hard to read text on the screen.  When enlarging, you may have to scroll to see the entire page.  

PRINTING AN ENLARGED PAGE:  If you have the file open in Adobe (not necessarily sure if this happens if the PDF opens in Explorer) and you enlarge it.  You can choose "Print Current View" and the enlarged view will print. You can preview it to see how it will print in that little preview box.  This is a nice feature if I scanned a book with two pages and you want a single page.  Depending on the enlargement, the quality may suffer a bit. 

Printing is another thing!  Increasing the VIEW size has nothing to do with print size (unless you do what I state above).  Since I scan at a high resolution you can change the standard printing of adobe pages. Laser Jet printers:  If you have an older model (HP IIIP or IV L ) that only prints 300dpi, the page images will always turn out crummy.  Just a technology change.  Models that print 600dpi will print much clearer, mostly any printer after 1995 should have no problem.  Ink Jets usually print nice, but you many have to adjust the DPI (dots per inch) setting.  Dot Matrix printer, I would doubt if they would print legible images.  All PDF files (pages) are pictures, not text.  The HTML pages are text with separate images added.  So the older HTML will always print beautiful text as the printer sees it as standard letters.  Plus laserjets will easily print text and small pictures quickly.  On the other had a PDF is a huge "images" and will print slowly.

When you choose an Adobe manual choose - FILE - PRINT  look for a selection called PAGE SCALING. 
Choose a page with an image on it. TRY THIS ONLY ON ONE PAGE by choosing in the PRINT MENU - PRINT CURRENT PAGE.  Then choose "Fit to page" on the page scaling choice.  You should see the actual page you will print AND the size it will print on the PRINT SETTINGS preview area.  By printing one page you can see if the "fit to page" works better then the standard printing method.

PRINTING IN COLOR or entire manuals at once ! !

Ink jet printers.  If you try to print the old HTML pages with color backgrounds, print a test page.  If it starts printing the color background - STOP.  You will empty your color cartridge real quick.  Just a warning.  Look under your printing options, you should see a choice "do not print background" under "PRINTING" - "ADVANCED".  Uncheck that option.  Now you will only print the text and images, not the background color. SOME printers do that or were set that way as the default.  This may need to be reset if you use older Print Shop programs.  Those program need to "print background color".

 LaserJet - See above test if you have a color laserjet ! Also, if you have a color or B&W laserjet, you many not be able to print an entire book at once.  Depending on the amount of memory IN THE PRINTER, a color camera manual may give problems.  Easy solution.  In the print menu, choose "Print Range" then "Print Pages"  then choose printing pages 1 to 10, after that finishes then 11 to 20 and so on.  Laserjets try to capture the entire print job at once.  Black and White laserjets MAY have the same problem.   I divided the big manuals into parts, this helps in downloading and printing.  The older HTML pages will try to print as a whole document, you may need to split the manual into sections.  See above about the older HTML pages.  They print any which way.  Some day a PDF version will be available. 

Want to be creative.  If you want a HTML page to print correctly, and I did not PDF the manual, do it yourself.  When in Internet Explorer, FireFox or Opera open with the HTML manual.  Click EDIT then Select All.  The page should grey out.  Then open Word (or whatever Word Processor you have) change the page margins to .3 (point 3 inch) on top, bottom, left, right and then choose EDIT - PASTE.  Once in Word you can move thing around, resize pictures a bit, add spaces to move text to the next page.  You can then save and print it.  If you have one of the free PDF creators, you can save as a PDF file.  That's how I do it.

Older laserjets.  If you have a great HP II, III or 4 series.  The max resolutions (number of dots) it can print is some 300 dpi.  This will give not so great print outs of images or text.  If you have the ability, change the dpi (dots per inch) to 600.  This will give you great prints.  The more DPI, the slower the pages will print.  You many get the "out of memory" or "memory overload" when trying to print the whole manual at once.  Again, turn off the printer, count to 5, then turn it on. If the printer continues to give "Out of Memory" right after the printer starts,  the print job is in the cache.  You must erase the "job" by going to START - SETTINGS - PRINTERS - Right click on the printer and choose OPEN.  A list of print "jobs" will be displayed.  Right click on the job and choose DELETE.  Now your printer will start correctly.
Then print at 600 dpi trying only 5 pages at a time or less.  Some of the older HP laserjets came with basic memory (256K, not megs!).  Printing text was never a problem because the printer had the text letters built in.  A PDF is a bunch of DOTS, printing and remembering some 600,000 dots per page is a challenge.  So if you have a memory error printing 5 pages at a time, try one page at a time.  You shouldn't have to wait for each page to exit the printer, just choose to only print page 1, then choose only page 2, then only page 3, the computer will cut the pages and hold them in the computer's memory (hard drive) until the printer is ready for the next single or group of pages.  Or these days, copy the file to a memory stick, take it to work and print it there on their $3,200 network printer ! There you go...  Also try your local library, they charge per page but usually not that much.

-- Problems --

Many of my older manuals are HTML (basic web page). These pages will translate the camera manual (as good as any free translator can) text to the four languages above.  Actually if you go to the main page, it will translate the entire web page as you go through the site. The manuals were scanned first for the images, then again, for the text with a OCR (optical character reader). They were then pasted together to make it look like a manual again.  This was back in 1996 until 2003 when I changed over to PDF.  So the older HTML manuals are just that. If you are picky, you can save the Web Page and then try to open them up in Word or something and add blank spaces to move them around.  Printing them is a pain. Remember, paperless society !  There are no codes to make them print on certain pages. Nothing fancy here.  If you are on dial-up.  The images on the HTML pages may take time to load.  Sometimes just right clicking on any blank images and click "show" will reload it if needed.  If you want to save it, for further reference, choose in your browser "FILE" and SAVE AS, then CREATE A SEPARATE FOLDER under your "MY DOCUMENTS"  named the camera name. This will save the HTML and images in that folder.  If you don't create a separate folder, you're going to have problems.  You can also click "refresh" if all the images don't show.  If you have a problem, write to me. I have solved all of them.  Hence the move to PDF. [ or use the COPY and PASTE into Word (or other Word Processor program) and resize images and add spaces to move text around.] The entire page prints just like the manual.  I scanned them large enough to make them very readable. BUT, will print the size of the scanned page on an 8 1/2 x 11 page.  Hence the help section above.  If you have an older printer or laserjet, it may only be a 300dpi printer and nothing will help get great quality images on the pages.  The PDF files are DOTS so if you enlarge the page the text "DOTS" are larger and don't look as nice.  The HTML pages are actual letters, so they print excellent text and images.  They just took 4 to 5 hours to create just one manual. Those will be slowly converted to PDF so you will have a choice.

YOU MUST HAVE Adobe 7.0 or above to CLICK on the file or OPEN it.  That's the standard setting when I'm saving on my Adobe program I have.  I added a link above to version 5.1 if you have an older computer with not much memory or disk space.  Version 6.1 is pretty big and memory hungry.  I'm sure Version 7.1 and 8.1 is even bigger in download size and memory requirements.  The Adobe files are created with Version 8, with security features added.  You cannot open the file or copy images or text within the file.  That's a security feature I need.  There are too many people on the web that will steal your work and claim it's their own.