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*Electric Eye exposure system automatically set lens for optimum result.
*Full Open diaphragm metering system--you focus and compose with lens at its
widest opening--no viewfinder dimming at all times.
*Through-the-lens viewing ends accidental subject cropping. . . you see your
exact picture in brilliant viewfinder before you take it.
*Through the-lens focusing: Micro-prism image rangefinder plus focusing screen
make extra-sharp pictures easier to take.
*Through-the-lens system CdS exposure meter measures light with high degree of
accuracy. Because of Thru-the-lens metering system no compensation is required
for correct exposure even with a filter on.
*Single-stroke film-advance lever also winds the shutter, counts exposures and
prevents double exposures.
*Instant-return mirror: automatically returns to viewing position the instant
exposure is made--no viewfinder "blackout" to delay picture taking.
*High Speed AUTO RIKENON EE Lens lets you shoot in lighting situations where
slower lenses would fail; produces slides and prints of superior sharpness and
color fidelity.
*Accurate focal plane shutter: Full range of speeds from 1 second to 1/1000
second plus bulb let you "freeze" swift action as well as take photos of
excellent quality in even dim-light conditions.
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A) Film Speed Selector B) Shutter Speed Dial C) Film-wind Lever D) Shutter Release Button and Cable Release Socket E) Exposure Counter F) Neck Strap Eyelet G) Self-timer H) Previewer Switch
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I) EE/Manual Ring J) Depth of Field Scale K) Distance Scale L) Focusing Ring M) Flash Socket (2) N) Lens Selection Dial O) Rewind Knob and Shaft P) Hot Shoe Q) Viewfinder Eyepiece
R) Film Chamber S) Back Cover Latch T) Mercury Battery Compartment Cover |
U) Tripod Socket V) Rewind Button W) Sprocket Teeth (2) X) Take-up Spool |
Film Loading
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Always load camera in shade, never in bright or direct sunlight.
Use good quality standard 35mm (20 or 36-exposure) film, color or black and white.
Press Shutter Release Button (D)... Pull Back Cover Latch (S) until camera
back clicks open. Swing open camera back and place film cartridge into Film
Chamber (R).
To place film cartridge properly make sure that the core of the film cartridge
comes to bottom of the camera (Fig. 1). Rotate Rewind Knob (O) a bit so that
Rewind Shaft (O) engages film cartridge and film cartridge will be seated in
Pull tapered end of film across back of camera and insert into and through any
one of the slits of Take-up Spool (X). Rotate Take-up Spool by advancing
Film-wind Lever (C) to take up film slack . . . check to see that the gear tooth
on the take-up spool has entered a sprocket hole on the film. Close the camera
back and snap it shut.
Advance Film-wind Lever (C) two or three times depressing Shutter Release
Button (D) each time until Exposure Counter (E) will be automatically set to
"1", ready for your first picture (Fig. 2). Set the camera for the film which
you are using. To set film speed pull up Shutter Speed Dial (B) and rotate it
until the ASA number of your film is opposite the red indicator mark (Fig. 3).
Check the instruction sheet packaged with your film for the correct ASA speed
for that film. If you are using German film, please refer to Fig. 4 for the
relation between ASA and DIN.
Battery Loading - This is a mercury battery.
See this link for
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Unscrew Mercury Battery Compartment
Cover (T) with a coin and remove it. Place a mercury battery in the
compartment with plus (+) end up (Fig. 5) and replace the cover. The mercury
battery is the power source of the Electric Eye and will last for one year
approximately. For replacement use Eveready EPX625, Mallory RM625 or
Correct Exposure
Your RICOH AUTO TLS EE has a built-in thru-the-lens Electric Eye
exposure control system which regulates the lens opening automatically for
correct exposure. You can also operate the camera manually, if you so desire.
You can enjoy picture-taking in one of the following manners.
1. Electric Eye Exposure Operation
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The camera will automatically compute and set the lens opening for correct exposure when it is set for Electric Eye exposure control. Set EE/Manual Ring (I) at EE position (Fig. 6), and rotate Lens Selection Dial (N) until the speed of your lens comes opposite the white marker (Fig. 7). For example, if the speed of your, Auto Rikenon EE lens is f l.7, set the Dial at 1.7. |
Turn the Shutter Speed Dial (B) until the desired shutter speed number is set
opposite the white indicator line. Be certain the Dial is set at a click stop.
(Fig. 8).
Do not set Shutter Speed Dial (B) at "B" when you wish to operate camera on EE
exposure control.
Make sure that the Film wind Lever (C) is wound, as the exposure meter switch is
incorporated in Film-wind mechanism, it automatically turns "ON" only when Film
wind Lever (C) is wound and turns "OFF" when Shutter Release Button (D) is
pressed. This device is to prevent unnecessary discharge of mercury battery when
camera is not in use.
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On the right hand side of the viewfinder you will see f-stop scale in between red warning marks. The upper red mark indicates underexposure and the lower shows overexposure. The black exposure meter needle tells the f-stop number at which opening the lens is set. If you find the exposure meter needle in either one of the red marks, this is incorrect exposure (Fig. 9). |
Adjust shutter speed so that the needle appears on f-stop scale (Fig. 10).
As long as the camera is set for EE operation the built-in high sensitive CdS
exposure meter automatically sets lens opening for optimum exposure indicating
f-stop number at which your picture is taken. The red mask which moves in
response to Lens Selection Dial (N) indicates the area your lens does not cover.
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For your quick reference, the range of EE operation of shutter speed and lens opening in connection with the film speed is shown in Fig. 11. For example, any shutter speed ranging from 1 sec. to 1/1000 sec. with lens opening of F2~F16 is available for EE operation in case you use an ASA100 film, and the red zones show the uncoupling areas. |
2. Full Aperture Light Measuring Operation
Mount either AUTO RIKENON EE or NON-EE RIKENON or any other screw-mount
lens onto camera body. Any screw-mount lens up to F5.6 lens speed will do. Set
Lens Selection Dial (N).
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Make sure that Lens Selection Dial (N) is set at proper number. Read the f-stop number indicated by the exposure meter needle in the viewfinder and take note of the number. Rotate EE/Manual Ring (1) or F-stop Ring and set the same number on the EE/Manual Ring or F-stop Ring. Now your camera is set for correct exposure. |
3. Stopped Down Light Measuring Operation
Mount either AUTO RIKENON EE or NON EE RIKENON or any other thread
mount lens onto camera body. No setting of lens opening is required for Stopped
down light measuring operation. Look into Viewfinder Eyepiece (Q) and press
Previewer Switch (H). Turn EE/ Manual Ring (1) or F-stop Ring of your lens while
keep pressing Pre. viewer Switch so that the exposure meter needle comes over
the blue indicator in the Viewfinder (Fig. 12). If your NON-EE lens has an Auto/
Manual switch with it, set it at Auto and then press Previewer Switch or you may
set it at Manual. When the lens is set at Manual, no pressing on Previewer
Switch is required. Auto/Manual switch may be moved back to Auto position before
you shoot.
In case you use an extension ring set, bellows attachment or other type of
accessories in between the lens and camera body, follow the procedures of the
stopped down light measuring operation for setting correct exposure.
Setting the Shutter
The shutter speed setting governs the amount of time the film is
exposed to light. "60" (1/60 second) is recommended for subjects not in motion.
Where motion exists, shutter speeds ranging from 1/125 to 1/1000 should be used.
.. 1/1000 second speed will "freeze" extremely fast action. To get maximum
"depth of field" of sharp focus in front of end behind subject) or when shooting
in poorly fit areas, speeds ranging from 1/30 to 1 second and "B" (bulb) are
available. When using these slower speeds, use a tripod or other firm support to
prevent movement of camera and blurred pictures. When set at "B" the shutter
will remain open as long as the Shutter Release Button (D) is depressed
(preferably by a cable release accessory). The "B" setting is used for long
exposures for example when using street lights or electric signs as a light
source, or under poor light conditions when flash is not being used.
Note: The "B" setting disconnects Electric Eye circuit and the camera will no
longer operate on EE.
Viewing and Focusing
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Look into Viewfinder Eyepiece (Q) to compose your picture and focus the lens. Rotate Focusing Ring (L) until subject becomes clear in the microprism image, the center circle area (Fig. 13). When your subject appears sharp in the microprism image, your picture has been focused. To take the picture hold the camera as steady as you can and press Shutter Release Button (D) slowly and smoothly. Since you are viewing through the lens there is no parallax problem . . . what you are viewing in the viewfinder will appear in your picture. Even -when you shoot close-ups there is no danger of accidental cropping as may occur when the viewfinder is above or to one side of the lens. |
Depth of Field
An area in front of, and behind your subject will also be in sharp
focus. How much of an area will be sharp in your final picture can be determined
in two ways:
Depth of Field Previewer
Turn EE/Manual Ring (I) off EE and set it at desired f-stop number
and press Previewer Switch (H). Pressing Previewer Switch will set the lens at
the opening you have set on the EE/Manual Ring. This will enable you to preview
the area of sharpness in the picture before you take it.
Depth of Field Scale
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The area of sharpness in front of and behind your subject can be determined on the Depth of Field Scale (J).Locate, on the Depth of Field Scale, the two f numbers corresponding to the f-stop in the viewfinder (EE operation) or f stop you have set on EE/Manual Ring (Menu al operation). The distance shown on the Distance Scale (K) between these two f-stop numbers will be the area of sharpness in your picture (Fig. 14). |
The Self-timer
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By using the Self timer, you can also get into the picture. Merely move the Self-timer Lever (G) away from the lens (Fig. 15) and press the shutter Release Button. There will be an about 10 second delay before the Self-timer will automatically release the shutter and make the exposure for you. Camera should be placed on a tripod or other sturdy support. |
Changing the Lens
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Your camera is equipped with a 50 mm lens, which is the proper focal length for general-purpose picture taking. You may select additional lenses from the wide range of AUTO RIKENON EE or RIKENON lenses which include extremely wide angle lenses through long focal length telephoto including telephoto zoom lenses. To remove the lens, continuously turn the lens in a counter clockwise direction until it can be removed (Fig. 16). To insert another lens, turn lens in a clockwise direction until lens is secured in position. |
Flash Pictures
Your camera has FP and X synchronizations designed to permit flash
pictures with most types of flash bulbs and also electronic flash. The flash
connecting cord from your flash gun or electronic flash is connected to one of
the Flash Sockets (M). If your electronic flash has a direct contact, mount it
onto Hot Shoe (P) and no connecting cord is necessary.
The Fig. 17 indicates the synchronization ranges of FP and X. For instance, the
shutter speed ranging from B to 1/60 sec. is available for the electronic flash
unit connected to X Socket.
Unloading Film
Always unload your camera in the shade, never in bright light.
After the last picture on the roll has been taken, press Rewind Button (V). Lift
up crank on Rewind Knob (O). Turn crank in a clockwise direction until the
entire roll has been rewound. Tension on the crank will decrease noticeably
(Fig. 18).
Open the camera back by pulling Back Cover Latch (S) and remove the film
Have film processed as soon as possible.
Tips for Better Pictures
· Read the instruction booklet carefully. · Before you go on a trip or
photograph a special event, shoot a practice roll of film.
· Keep fingers and neck strap clear of the camera lens.
· When you reach the end of the roll of film (check Exposure Counter), the
Film-wind Lever becomes harder to advance. . . don't try for "just one more
shot": it's time to rewind.
. Protect your camera from dust, dirt and rough handling. Do not expose camera
or film to excessively high temperatures.
. Always make sure Shutter is released to prevent unnecessary discharge of
mercury battery when the camera is not in use.
· Put Lens cap to protect lens.
. Do not place AUTO RIKENON EE lens with its pins on rear part pressed.
T he chart of the Rikenon lenses which are available.
23. Bellows Attachment - Has focusing knob for maximum
sharpness at extremely close distances. . . excellent for extreme close-ups.
24. Extension Ring Set - This is used to photograph objects at
extremely close distances. Rings can be used separately or in combination
depending upon distance from object you desire to photograph.
25. Microscope Attachment - Allows camera to be attached to
microscope for photographing objects utilizing microscope magnification. Plus a
broad line of other photographic accessories.
The following accessories are also available for your Ricoh Auto TLS EE camera.
26. Close-up Lens #1 100-32cm
27. Close-up Lens #2 50-24cm
28. Bellows Attachment "A"
29. Delux Belows Attachment "B" w/slide copier & focusing track
30. Extension Ring Set (Auto., 3 pieces per set)
31. Microscope Attachment
32. Diopter adjuster, ( - 3, - 2, +0.2, +1, +2, +3)
33 Eyepiece Magnifier, x2
34. Copy Stand
35. Cable Release
36. Deluxe Hand Grip (Foldable bracket)
37 Sliding Rubber eyecup
38. Gadget Bag