The M. Butkus library of camera instruction manuals
Where FILM camera instruction manuals have been found for FREE since 1997
(donations accepted with a smile)


Butkus Camera Manual Site
updated - Jan. 2024

CANON Camera Manuals

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I have hundreds of other camera manual I have collected since 1996
from company sites that no longer post "non supported models"
as well as from personal web sites that have closed over the years.

You MUST E-mail me the "folder name" of the model
in the list above as well as the "exact file name"
if you wish to receive a copy. The quality of these varies.

After opening, use EDIT - FIND to locate an item

These are just the Digital Canon manual you have
need to ask and I'll Email it to you.

Find all the information on your camera model on just my site . . . . . . ! ! !

only search www.butkus.org

SOLD ON manualsforall.com ! I must be good !
- Update, they are out of business ! -

For information... write
Butkus Camera Manual Site

For free Canon Digital Manuals, click here ! !

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 Butkus Camera manual site

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outside printing company

Donation policy

Canon A-1 Canon AL-1
Canon AV-1 Canon EF
Canon AT-1 Canon 7
Canon AE-1 - Pt. I and Pt. II Canon EF-M
Canon AE-1 Program Canon EOS 3
Canon AE Motor Drive FN Canon EOS Photo Files
(bar-code scans)
Canon EOS Rebel Canon EOS 5 / EOS 5QD
Canon EOS 500n Canon EOS 500 /
Canon EOS 50 / 50s *
Canon EOS 1 Canon EOS 1000N /
Canon Quartz Data Back E Canon EOS 3000N /
3000N Date
Canon EOS Rebel K2
/ 3000V
Canon EOS 3000 /
Canon 88
Canon EOS Rebel X / Xs Canon EOS 5000 /
Canon EOS Rebel II /
Rebel SII
Canon EOS RT
Canon EOS Rebel Ti /
Canon 300V
Canon EOS Rebel 2000 /
EOS 300
Canon EOS Rebel G /
Rebel G QD
Canon EOS Rebel T2 /
EOS 300X
Canon EOS-1N / RS
istruzioni per l'uso

 Italian language
Canon EOS Rebel s /
EOS 1000F
Canon EOS A2E Canon EOS ELAN
Canon EOS A2 Canon EOS ELAN II / IIe
* Canon EOS ELAN
7e / 30 / 30 Date
Canon EOS 620-650
EOS 620 - 650 Bedienungsanleitung
EOS 620 - 650 Mode d'emploi
Canon EOS 630 - Pts. 1 & 2 Canon EOS 10s
Canon EOS 700 Canon EOS 100
Canon EOS
850 - 750 - 750QD
Canon EX Auto Canon FP
Canon FTb Canon FD manual site (not mine)
- Archive site, slow but works -
Canon FT QL Canon TX
* *
Canon FD lens
Canon FD zoom lens
Canon TL
Canon F-1 (self-timer) Canon EOS IX 7 / IX Lite
Canon New F-1
(body grip - hot shoe)
Canon / Bell & Howell FX 35mm
Canon F-1 with
manual winder - Write to me
Canon F1 Winder Unit
Canon F-1 Servo EE Finder Canon F-1 Booster T Finder
Canon F-1 Speed Finder Canon L2 - Japanese
Canon FX Canon T50
Canon FT Canon T60
Canon T60 Mode d'emploi
Canon TLb Canon T70
Canon Command back
Canon T80
Canon Pellix QL
Canon Pellix Mode d'emploi
Canon T90
Canon Canonet QL 2.5 Canon 35mm rangefinder
Canonet Canon Canonet /
Bell & Howell 2.8
Canon Canonet Junior Canon Canonet 28
Canon Demi /
Bell & Howell Demi
Canonet S
Canonet 1.9 Rangefinder Canon Canonet QL 17
Canonet Electric Eye Canon Canonet QL 19E
Canon DateMatic Canon Danodate E
(date only good to 1988) (3-1-'17)
Canon P (Populaire) Canon VT de luxe
Canon Model II B Canon II / D / IV /
S2 Rangefinder
Canon Model III Canon III-A / IV-S
Canon Model
Canon Model IV-T /
Model IV-I
Canon II-D / IV-S2 *
Canon Canonet Guide
See page for models
Canon Model VI-T / VI-L
Cannonet G-III 17 Canonflex RP
Canon Model V Canonflex RM
Canon Reflex Guide
See page for models
Canon Speedlite Flash Units
Canon EE EX Canon Photura 135
Canon AS-6
Underwater Camera
Canon Photura
Canon R Lenses Booklet Canon Dial 35-2
Canon A35F Canon Rangfinder lenses
Canon ELPH 370Z Canon FL Lenses
Canon MC Canon FD Lenses
Canon Demi EE17 Canon Rangefinders
Canonet G-III 17 /
Canon QL17
Canon Digital Cameras - 2003
Canon Lens - Tilt /
Shift 35mm F2.8
Canon Canodate E
Canon R lenses Canon Flash Coupler F
Canon Auto Bellows
(old Canons)
Canon Data Back A and F
Canon Bellows M Canon Duplicator 35
Canon Wireless
Controller LC-1
Canon LC-5 Wireless
Canon Wireless
Control LC-2
Canon Power Winder /
Motor Winder
Canon Power Drive
Booster PB-E2
Canon C450D Battery Grip
Canon Product Guide Canon Point and Shoot models
Canon Fundus CF-60ZA Canon Electronic Flash Units

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All manual creations copyright© 2024 by M.& L. Butkus, High Bridge, N.J.