Canon Point and Shoot Models
Posted 4-23-'05 / 12-26-'09

Canon sure shot zoom s, Canon Sure shot, zoom xl, canon top twin,
Canon sure shot tele max, canon sure shot supreme, canon top shot, canon owl,
Canon sure shot af-7, canon sure shot multi tele, canon Prima, canon sure shot ace,
canon sure shot esprit, primi mini, canon snappy 50, cann AF35m II, sure shot Prima,
Canon Sure shot Super 105, Canon Sure shot Zoom XL, Canon Sure shot Max,
Canomatic C30, Canon Snappy, Canon AF35M II, sure shot / prima,
Canon snappy 50 / 20 , Canon AF35M, Canon AF35M II, Canon Autoboy 2,
Canon MC, Canon AF 35 ML, Canon MC, Autoboy 2

The next page contains information on this camera.
If the image below looks like your camera,
 click below to see the PDF manual.

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On-line camera manual library

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Canon Point and Shoot models


Some of the cameras are APS makes:  See the warning below

The Advanced Photo System (APS) film camera.

  In 2006, it died by it's own hand.  The system required film processors to buy expensive equipment and contracts to process film for the few cameras sold.  Just like 110 film, the image size was smaller then 35mm and grainer.  So there may be film as of 2018, but it's expiration date is almost 10 years gone.  There is a lot of APS sold on Amazon, but check the reviews.  The reviews may be 4-8 years old. 

There are a few places to get this film processed, but way more expensive then standard 35mm.  So, basically the camera is dead in the water.  Every camera company put out a few APS cameras, and they did not sell well.  Due to the more expensive processing even at that time and lesser quality photo due to the smaller negative.  Plus many photo processors did not want specific equipment and contracts, so the places to processors your APS film were far and few between.

 Canon AF35 M II / Autoboy 2

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon AF35 M II / Autoboy 2 instructions
Canon AF 35 ML

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon AF 35 ML instructions

Canon Snappy AF

Canon Snappy AF camera

Canon PRIMA BF-80
Canon Snappy QT

Canon PRIMA BF-80 / Snappy QT camera
 Canon MC

Canon point and shoot Camera

 Canon MC camera manual

 Canon MC 10 instructions

Canon point and shoot Camera

 Canon MC 10 instructions

Canon WP-1
(Water Proof)

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon WP-1
(Water Proof) instruction manual

 Canon AF 35

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Snappy 50 / 20

Canon point and shoot Camera

 Canon Snappy 50 / 20 instructions


 Canon Snappy WT / Prima BF-80 - new

Canon Top Shot /
Sure Shot Supreme

Canon Point and shoot

Canon Top Shot / Sure Shot Supreme instructions
Canon Sure Shot esprit /
Prima Mini

Chinon Point and shoot

Canon Sure Shot esprit / Prima Mini instruction manual

Canon Sure Shot Tele /
Top Twin

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot Tele / Top Twin instructions

Canon Sure Shot Ace /

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot Ace / PRIMA Shot instructions
Canon Sure Shot Ace / PRIMA Shot Mode D'emploi
Canon Sure Shot Ace / PRIMA Shot Manual de Instrucciones

Canon Sure Shot TELE Max

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot TELE Max instruction manual

Canon Sure Shot Zoom XL
English only

Other Languages
Canon SureShot Zoom XL Mode d'emploi
Canon SureShot Zoom XL Manual de Instrucciones

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot Zoom XL instruction manual


Canon Sure Shot Multi Tele
 / PRIMA Tele

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot Multi Tele
 / PRIMA Tele instructions

FYI - APS camera, see warning at top of page.

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot Prima twin

Canon point and shoot Camera
Canon ELPH 370Z
FYI - the last film made for a APS camera was 2006,
so any film you buy is very old and usually
will not print well. 
Besides finding someone to process it.

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon ELPH 370Z instructions

Canon Sure Shot / Prima Tele

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Demi

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Demi instruction PDF

Canon Demi C

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Demi C instructions

Canon Demi EE17

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Demi EE17

Canon Demi EE28

Canon Demi EE28 camera

Canon Demi EE28


Canon ELPH LT 260 /

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon ELPH LT 260 / IXUS Z50 instructions

Canon ELPH jr. IXUS L-1

FYI - APS camera, see warning at top of page.

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon ELPH jr. IXUS L-1 instructions

Canon ELPH 10 / IXUS AF-S
FYI - APS camera, see warning at top of page.

Canon ELPH 10 / IXUS AF-S instructions
Canon ELPH 10 / IXUS AF-S Mode d'emploi
Canon ELPH 10 / IXUS AF-S Manual de Instrucciones

Canon point and shoot Camera


Canon ELPH LT / IXUS M-1
FYI - APS camera, see warning at top of page.

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon ELPH LT / IXUS M-1 instructions
Canon SureShot A1 /

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon SureShot A1 /
PRIMA AS-1 instruction PDF

Canon Snappy

Canon Snappy LX prima BF
Mode d'emploi
Manual de Instrucciones

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure-Shot 60 Zoom
/ PRIMA ZoomShot

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure-Shot 60 Zoom
/ PRIMA ZoomShot instruction

Canon SureShot 85 zoom /
Canon Primas Zoom 85

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon SureShot 85 zoom / Canon Primas Zoom 85 instructions

Canon  Snappy S

Canon point and shoot Camera

 Canon  Snappy S instructions

Canon C30 Canomatic

  Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon C30 Canomatic instructions

Canon Photura 135

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Photura 135

Canon Sureshot Zoom S

Other Languages
Canon Sure shot Zoom S
Mode d'emploi

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sureshot Zoom S

Canon Photura

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot Zoom Max

- Canon Sure Shot
Mode d'emploi -
- Canon Sure Shot
Manual de Instrucciones -

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot Zoom Max

Canon Sure Shot 105 Zoom /
PRIMA Super 105

Canon SureShot 105 Zoom Mode D'emploi

Canon SureShot 105 Zoom Bedienungsanleitung

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot 105 Zoom /
 PRIMA Super 105 instructions

Canon Sure Shot PRIMA BF Twin
Canon Sure Shot 80 Tele

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot PRIMA BF Twin
Canon Sure Shot 80 Tele PDF manual

Canon Sure Shot Classic 120 /
Canon PRIMA Super 120

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot Classic 120 /
Canon PRIMA Super 120



Canon Sure Shot Z70W PT. 1

Canon Sure Shot Z70W Mode d'emploi
Canon Sure Shot Z70W Manual de Instrucciones

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon SureShot Z70W instructions


Canon Sure shot OWL /
Canon PRIMA AF-8


Canon Sure Shot OWL Mode d'emploi
Canon Sure Shot OWL Manual de Instrucciones
Canon Sure Shot OWL manual de instruções

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot Owl /
Sure Shot AF-7

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot Owl /
Sure Shot AF-7
Prima AF-7

Canon Snappy K
Canon Snappy K Mode d'Emploi
Canon Snappy K edicion espanola

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Snappy K PDF manual

Canon Canodate E

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Canodate E Instructions
Canon Sure Shot AF35M II
Canon Sure Shot / Quartz Date
Canon Autoboy 2

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot AF35M II
Canon Sure Shot / Quartz Date
Canon Autoboy 2
user manual

Canon Sure Shot Max

- Canon Sure Shot Max
Mode d'emploi -
- Canon Sure Shot Max
Manual de Instrucciones -

Canon point and shoot Camera

Canon Sure Shot Max instructions