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Butkus Camera Manual Site

updated - Jan. 2025

CHINON Camera Manuals

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Chinon - Quick glance

CM-1 CM-3 CE-3 CA-4
LED CE-5 CG-5 CM-4
CM-4S CM-5 CM-7 CP-5
Sears KSX-P LED Promaster Bellami DP-5
CP-5s CP-6 CP-7M CP-9AF
CP-X * * *

Chinon M-3 Revueflex cameras that
are Chinon clones
Chinon Bellami
(35mm "barn door")
Chinon Belami AF
Chinon CA-4/4s Instruction
and Illustrated manual
Chinon CE-3 Memotron
(illustrated guide)
Chinon CE Memotron
Chinon CEII Memotron
CE-3 (Instruction guide)
Chinon CE-4 and CE-4s
(Aperture priority)
Chinon CE-5
(Typical viewfinder
metering system)
Chinon CG-5 *

CM-1 Illustrated

Chinon CM-1 Instruction
Chinon CM-3 - Illus.
(3 LED metering camera)
Chinon CM-4/4s
Instruction manual/Illustrated
Chinon CM-5
(3 LCD metering system camera)
Chinon CM-7
Chinon CP-5S
- spot metered CP-5
Chinon CP-6
Chinon CP-5 or CP-6
(self made instructions)
Chinon CP-5 or CP-6
- full manual in two sections -
Chinon CP-7M *
(shortened version)
Chinon CP-7m
(manual focus 35mm camera)
Chinon CP-9AF
self made instructions
Chinon CP-9AF
(Auto focus or manual lenses)
Chinon CP-9AF
article on digital back
which never happened
Chinon CP-9AF
clear body (demo)
Chinon CP-9AF
PR booklet
Chinon CP-X
Chinon Reflex 358RZ *
Chinon GS-7 (Genesis) GenesisII (GS-8)
Auto Focus Reflex zoom
* Genesis III
Genesis IV *
* *
Chinon CS
AKA Hanimex 35 SL
Chinon CS-4
Chinon CX Chinon CX II
Sears KSX-P
-  (clone Chinon DP-5, CP-5 or 6) -

See the DP-5 to the right
Chinon DP-5 like the
CP-5/6 with chrome top
Chinon DSL *
Chinon LED Promaster
- Full manual
Chinon LED Promaster
- Illustrated Guide
Chinon M-1 Chinon Monami
Chinon SLR Chinonflex TTL
Chinon Flashes
Chinon Auto S-180
Electronic Flash
Chinon Auto S-240 -
Electronic Flash
Chinon S-250 Chinon AF-S280
(users manual)
Chinon Auto S-280
Electronic Flash
Chinon S-360 flash
Chinon Auto S-300 flash *

Chinon Accessories

PW-535/545 Power winder
Chinon Power Winder / PW-510
(CE-3, CM-3)
PW-600/610 Power winder
PW-540 / Power Winder S
Chinon Info Back - 2
(data back)
Chinon Info Back - 3
(Interval Timer)
Chinon wireless remote control Chinon Info-back DB-010
Chinon 50mm AF F1.7 Lens -
First AutoFocus
Chinon 35-70AF F/3.3 - 4.5 Lens -
First zoom AF
Chinon CE-5 -
Public Relations Booklet
Chinon CP-6 & CP-X
Public relations booklet
Chinon Camera /
Flash Specifications / booklets
Chinon Camera Fliers
Chinon Genesis III
public relations booklet ('90?)

Replacement batteries for Chinon 35mm cameras

Chinon Point and Shoot cameras
I do not do much with point and shoot. With replacements costing under $50, why bother.
(2007 - few if any Point and Shoot film cameras are left to purchase, digital took over)

Chinon Handyzoom 5001 *
Chinon Auto GLX
(point and shoot)
Chinon 35 FS-A
Chinon Auto GX Chinon IntraFocus 35F-MA
Chinon Auto GL-II Chinon AP600S AP300
Chinon Auto 5501 / 6001
  -  PDF format
Chinon 35EE / GAF Memo
Chinon 35FA Super / FA II Chinon Pocket Zoom
Chinon 35F-A Chinon Auto 357Z
Chinon Splash AF Chinon Splash GX
* *

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M & L Butkus, High Bridge, N.J.