Yashica Winder for FR
(posted 3-25-02)

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Yashica Winder for FR camera


TThe Yashica Winder is a convenient accessory which attaches directly to the base of your camera and provides fully automatic film wind upon completion of exposure.
The use of this Yashica Winder therefore enables the photographer to concentrate on the photographic subject he intends to shoot.
In other words, he can always keep his camera poised for action without bothering about advancing the film manually. Whether it be sequence shots or once-in-a-lifetime shot, the use of this winder will give you full satisfaction of the result you obtain. Winder-assisted photography has many applications, such as for shooting sport scenes and children at play.

When used in concert with the Contax Interval Timer or the Contax Infrared Controller Set, it opens still wider scope of application in flora and fauna studies and many other interesting fields.

(1) Yashica Winder

(2) Battery Case p>(3) Data Back

(4) Interval Timer (C)

(5) Cable Switch 30 (C)

(6) Cable Switch 100 (C)

(7) Cable Switch 300 (C)

(8) Cable Switch 1000(C)

(9) Infrared Controller Set (C)

Yashica Winder for FR cameras

** Indicates Contax brand accessories

· Film drive speed: Continuous automatic film drive at maximum speed of 2 frames per second (shutter speed setting from 1/1000 to 1/60 sec.). At slow shutter speed settings, the film drive system is activated only upon completion of exposure. (Single frame film drive feasible by controlling fingertip pressure on magnetic release button.)
· Power source: 6 AA size batteries (preferably alkaline cells). Battery case provided for easy battery  installation.

·Functional check: If motor activates and test lamp comes on when test button is depressed, it means the winder is functioning properly. The same procedure is employed for battery power checking.

·Battery life: Up to 20 cassettes of 36 exposure load film per replacement of manganese batteries; up to 50 cassettes of 36 exposure load film per replacement of alkaline cells.

·Other features: Film end display (test lamp doubling as film end display comes on when full length of film has been exposed); camera's exposure counter used for registering count of exposures; film rewind release lever for manual film rewind without removing winder from camera body; release socket; interval timer socket; tripod socket.

·Size and weight: 142.5 x 50 x 38.5 mm; 290 grams w/o batteries.

Yashica Winder for FR cameras

Yashica Winder for FR cameras


Yashica Winder for FR cameras

TThe Yashica Winder can be attached to the camera base directly. When mounting it, make sure the ON/OFF Switch is set at "OFF".

1 Open the battery compartment by pressing the battery compartment lock release. br>
2 Match the camera setscrew with the camera's tripod socket and turn the head of the setscrew on the battery compartment side in a clockwise motion until the winder is fixed securely. Make sure the handle on the setscrew head is folded in before closing the battery compartment.

·The camera base must seat flush with the surface of the winder. If there is a gap between the base and the winder surface, mount the winder all over again to ensure proper coupling of the winder/camera system.



Yashica Winder for FR cameras

Always use six AA size batteries, preferably alkaline cell Is.

Place the six AA size batteries in the battery case by matching their polarity with the diagram on the case. The film winder will not function if the batteries are installed with their polarity reversed.

Install the battery case in the battery compartment with the polarity diagram facing out. Then, close the battery compartment securely.

·The battery compartment will not close properly unless the handle on the camera setscrew head is folded in.



Yashica Winder for FR cameras

After installing the battery and giving the film advance lever a full wind, set the ON/OFF switch at "ON" and check whether the film winder will function properly or not.

To check, press the test lamp cover. If Or produces a whirring sound and then the test lamp comes on, it is an indication that the film winder is functioning properly.

In case the motor fails to produce a whirring sound, battery power drain is indicated and therefore the set of batteries must be replaced.


·If functional check is carried out prior to film advance, one frame will be wound up.

·Functional check can also be conducted without attaching the winder to the camera. In this case, install the battery, set the ON/OFF switch at "ON" and press the test lamp cover. If the film drive stud rotates and then the test lamp comes on, proper function of the winder is indicated.

·The foregoing procedure is also employed for battery power checking.

Yashica Winder for FR cameras


Yashica Winder for FR cameras

Film Loading
Load the film in the normal manner by referring to the instructions accompanying the camera.

·The camera's exposure counter will register count of the number of exposures. Therefore, make it a rule to check the exposure counter before starting to shoot your series of photos.

Film Rewinding
When the film winder comes to a stop and the film end display comes on, it is an indication that full length of the film has been exposed.
To rewind the film, first reset the ON/OFF switch to ''OFF" and then push the film rewind release lever up in the direction of the arrow. Next, fold out the film rewind crank-handle and rewind the film according to instructions accompanying the camera. As is the case with the film rewind release button on the camera base, it is unnecessary to hold the lever up all the while during film rewinding.

Yashica Winder for FR cameras

BBefore loading the film into the camera, take a couple of blank shots to determine whether the Yashica Winder is functioning properly or not.

(1) Set the ON/OFF switch at "ON". br>
(2) After setting the exposure, composing the picture and securing precise focus, press the magnetic release button. Each time the film is advanced the test lamp will come on.

For single frame film advance, release your fingertip pressure immediately after exposure is made.

·The film advance lever can be manipulated for manual film wind even when the film winder is attached to the camera so long as the ON/OFF switch is set at "OFF".

Even when the ON/OFF switch of the film winder is reset to "OFF", the camera's film advance system will be in wound state; therefore, if the camera is to left unused over any great length of time, trip the shutter and keep the camera uncharged.


·A tripod socket is provided on the base of the film winder. When using a telephoto lens or shooting at a slow shutter speed, make it a rule to mount the camera on a tripod.

·To prevent erratic movement of the camera at the critical moment of exposure or to make exposures by positioning yourself at some distance away from the camera, plug the cable switch into the release socket on the camera body. Exposure will be made and the film advance will operate continuously and automatically as long as you keep the pushbutton end of the cable switch depressed.


Yashica Winder for FR cameras
BBy using the Contax Interval Timer in concert with the Yashica Winder, a series of exposures can be made automatically at an interval ranging from 1 sec. to 120 sec. This combination is particularly effective in flora and fauna studies, surveillance photography and other specialized purposes.


1. Interval Scale
2. Release Socket
3. Interval Selector
4. ON/OFF Switch
5. Mounting Pin

Yashica Winder for FR cameras

··Interval settings 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60 and 120 sec. in 8 clickstop settings

·Power source Uses the power supply of the Yashica Winder

·Method of mounting Plugs into the interval timer and release sockets of the Yashica Winder

·Other features ON/OFF switch br>
·Size & weight 38 x 43 x 18 mm; 45 grams

Yashica Winder for FR cameras


Yashica Winder for FR cameras TThe Contax Interval Timer is used by plugging into the sockets of the Yashica Winder. Before shooting the series of photos with the aid of the Contax Interval Timer, take a couple of blank shots to determine whether the interval timer and film winder systems function properly. If the test lamp of the film winder comes on each time after the film is advanced, it means that the systems are functioning properly.
Yashica Winder for FR cameras

1. Before mounting, make sure the ON/OFF switch of the winder and that of the interval timer is set at "OFF".

22. Plug the Contax Interval Timer into the interval timer and release sockets of the film winder by properly matching the mounting pins. Make sure the interval timer is pushed all the way in.

The socket provided directly over the ON/OFF switch of the Contax Interval Timer will be switched off as soon as the ON/OFF switch is set at "ON". When using this socket, therefore, make sure the ON/OFF switch is reset to "OFF".

3. Set the ON/OFF switch of the film winder at "ON". Turn the interval selector of the Contax Interval Timer and align the required interval setting with the "SEC" index. Always see to it that the selector is set properly at the clickstop setting. The timer will not function properly when adjusted to an in-between setting. br> Yashica Winder for FR cameras

5. Check the exposure, compose your picture, secure precise focus and then set the ON/OFF switch of the Contax Interval Timer at "ON".

When thus adjusted, the Contax Interval Timer will function at the preset interval to trip the shutter automatically. Film wind will of course be accomplished automatically through activation of the Yashica Winder. To suspend the series of time-lapse photography, reset the ON/OFF switch of either the Contax Interval Timer or the Yashica Winder to "OFF".

Yashica Winder for FR cameras
·By resetting the ON/OFF switch of the Contax Interval Timer to "OFF", you can immediately resume normal film-winder-assisted photography. Yashica Winder for FR cameras


Yashica Winder for FR cameras The Contax Infrared Controller Set is a remote controller unit which trips the shutter through emission of infrared ray pulse. When used in concert with the Yashica Winder, it provides a wide scope of use.
Yashica Winder for FR cameras

Description of Parts

A. Transmitter

(1) Pulse emitter

(2) Pushbutton Switch

(3) Battery Compartment Cover

B. Receiver

(4) Connector Cord

Note To install the battery, open the battery compartment cover and place the battery in the battery compartment by properly matching its polarity with the battery contacts.

·Effective range Up to 15 meters

·Power Source Receiver unit operates on power from the camera battery; transmitter unit uses one 9 V 006P battery (Eveready 222, Ucar 222, Mallory 1604 or equivalent)
See this link on a Wein Air replacement battery.

·Method of mounting Receiver unit clips on the camera's accessory shoe and its connector cord must be plugged into the release socket

·Directionality of transmitter unit 43° at 5 m; 20° at 8 m; 6° at 15 m

·Directionality of receiver unit 30° throughout the effective range

·Size & weight Receiver unit 45 x 30 x 56 mm,  40 grams

Transmitter unit: 95 x 35 x 26 mm 85 grams w/o battery

Yashica Winder for FR cameras (when used in concert with the Yashica Winder)

Before loading the film into your camera, take a couple of blank shots to determine whether the Contax Infrared Controller will function properly or not.
Yashica Winder for FR cameras

1. Make sure the ON/OFF switch of the film winder unit is set at "OFF".

2. Slide the receiver unit all the way into the camera's accessory shoe. The receiver unit can be rotated through 360 degrees even when mounted on the accessory shoe.

Yashica Winder for FR cameras 3. Plug the connector cord of the receiver unit properly into the release socket of your camera.

4. After checking the exposure, composing your picture and securing precise focus, set the ON/OFF switch of your Yashica Winder at "ON".

5. Position yourself some distance away from your camera and, while pointing the pulse emitter of the transmitter unit toward the sensor of the receiver unit, press the pushbutton switch. This will automatically trip the shutter and the winder unit will automatically advance the exposed frame.

Yashica Winder for FR cameras

·When the Contax Infrared Controller is in use, the winder will advance the film single frame at a time.

·Make sure the pulse emitter is directed at the sensor of the receiver unit and not at the camera itself. (See illustrations.)

·To prevent battery power drain, avoid keeping the pushbutton depressed over any length of time.

Yashica Winder for FR cameras

Yashica Winder for FR cameras

The receiver unit can be rotated through 360 degrees while mounted on the camera's accessory shoe. Position it properly according to your requirement. For best results, make sure the pulse emitter of the transmitter unit is precisely aligned with the sensing axis of the receiver.

Yashica Winder for FR cameras

·When shooting with the aid of the Contax Interval Timer or Infrared Controller set, make it a rule to set your camera on a tripod.

·The Contax Infrared Controller may sometimes activate when it receives infrared ray from sources other than the transmitter unit. Avoid triggering an electronic flash unit or using a gas lighter close to the receiver unit.

·Like all battery-operated units, remove the battery (or batteries) when the Yashica Winder, or Contax Infrared Controller Set is to be left unused for any great length of time. Replace batteries when required.

·When installing battery (or batteries), make it a habit to wipe the contacts with a clean, dry cloth. Oily smears on the contacts may cause poor electrical contact.

·To prevent hazards, avoid throwing used batteries in open fire or dismantling them.