The M & L Butkus library of camera instruction manuals

Where FILM camera instruction manuals have been found for FREE
since 1997 (donations accepted with a smile)


Butkus Camera Manual Site
updated - Jan. 2024

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REVUE / REVUEFLEX Camera Instruction Manuals
These were mostly European brand.

(11-05-2023: I made a new folder for the PDF files
so other old links to the PDFs will not work)

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List of many other camera manuals collected
from web sites that closed
over the past 10 years. You must ask by the specific brand
and file name if you want one.

After opening, use EDIT - FIND to locate an item

Listing of Revue made SLRs

Outside Link
outside printing company

 Butkus Camera manual site

Outside Link
outside printing company

These are "clones" of many different brands,
see listing at bottom.

Revue AC 5 Digital
AKA - Chinon CP-7m
Digital meaning top display
RevueFlex 1000 S
Revue AT-m
REVUE 400SE RevueFlex 2000 CL / 3000 SL
Revueflex 4000 EE Revueflex 2002 - 3003
RevueFlex 5000 EE REVUEFLEX 4004 / 5005
Revue Flex SD1 Revue FLEX AC 2
Revueflex TL 25 RevueFlex SC2
Revue 700 EL / SEL Revueflex SC 3
Revue ML Revueflex EE303
RevueFlex AC1 RevueFlex SL
Revue AC 4-SP Revue AC 4-SP DX
Revue FLEX 3000 SM Revue - 3 (Russian language)
Revue Rittreck Six - German Revue Flex AC 3s
RevueFlex AC 3 RevueFlex ACX
Revueflex B RevueFlex AX3
RevueFlex TL1 *
Revue 790 AF-D Zoom Revue 35 FC
* *
* *
* *
Revueflex cameras that are
Chinon Clones
Revue cameras that
are other makes

Donation policy

Butkus Camera Manual Site

butkus camera manual site

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To use your own CC, click link above then the "continue" on lower left of new page

Already Have a PayPal account - PayPal.me/lynnbutkus

Zelle is to Butkus Camera Manual Site

Venmo is  @mike-butkus-camera  Ph. 2083

All manual creations copyright© 2024 by M & L Butkus, High Bridge, N.J.