Nikon Pronea 6i APS

Posted 1-19-'09

This is a Advanced Photo System (APS) film camera.  In 2006, it died by it's own hand.  The system required film processors to buy expensive equipment and contracts to process film for the few cameras sold.  Just like 110 film, the image size was smaller then 35mm and grainer.  So there may be film as of 2018, but it's expiration date is almost 10 years gone.  There is a lot of APS sold on Amazon, but check the reviews.  They may be 4-8 years old.  There are a few places to get this film processed, but way more expensive then standard 35mm.  So, basically the camera is dead in the water. Every camera company put out a few APS cameras, and they did not sell well.  Due to the more expensive processing even at that time.  Plus many photo processors did not want specific equipment and contracts, so the places to process your APS film were far and few between.

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FYI - the last film made for a APS camera was 2006, so any film you buy
is very old and usually will not print well.  Besides finding someone to process it.

Nikon Pronea 6i APS camera