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Butkus Camera Manual Site -  Jan. 2024

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Camera Instruction Manuals

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collected from web sites that closed
over the past 10 years. You must ask by the specific brand
and file name if you want one.

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 Butkus Camera manual site

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Pocket Leica Book - c1952 *
Leica Guide
Leica IIIG, M2, M3, M4
Various early Leica
camera instructions
Leica R3 / R3-MOT - R3
Exposure abilities
* Leica Remote Control R
Leica Pocket Companion Leica R4 / R4s -
Leica R4s MOD. P exposures
Leica B - Pour L'Emploi Du 1, 2, 3 Leica R4s
Leica Leitz Gebrauchs-Anleitung Leica R4
Die Kamera mit zwei Belichtungs
Leica C l
Leica AF C-1
Leica C3 Leica R4s MOD. 2
Leica C, F & G Leica R4 Anleitung
Leicaflex Leica R5
Leicaflex SL Leica R6
Leicaflex SL II Leica R6.2
Leitz Visoflex II / III
Visoflex III Bedienungsanleitung
Leica R7
Leica Z2X Leica R8
Leica R8 Bedienungsanleitung
Leica CL Leica R9
Leica R9 Bedienungsanleitung
 Leica R-E Leica equipment and accessories
- 1957, 1964 -
Leica M1 Leica R System Lenses
LEICA M2 Leica C2 Zoom
Leica M2 R Leica C1 Film Camera
Leica M2 Brief Instructions Leica-Minolta CL (35mm film)
Leica Meter MR
(Spanish only)
Leica M3
Leica Meter MR (English) Leica M4 English/Spanish
Leica Meter MR - German Leica M4-2
Leica / Leicaflex cameras
and accessories - 1966
Leica M4-P
Leica Meter M Leica M5
Leica Meter MC Leica M6 Leica M6 TTL
Leica Meter Exposures Leica Quick Load for Series M
Leica and
Leicaflex accessories
Leica M7 - English - German
- In color - write to me
Leica Close-up and Photomicrography Leica M8
Leica - The camera of to-day Leica IF - IIF - IIIF
Leica Model II / Leica D Leica IIIa
LEITZ Instructions - 1928 Leica IIIc
Leica Instructions Leica IIIg and Data Book
Leica Type Shutters Leica IIIF repair manual
Leica IIIf Supplementary Instructions Leica accessory guide - 1984
Kitfitt Kilarscope and
Kilarflex Reflex Housing
Leica CF Flash
Leica Leitz -
Directions, lenses, accessories
Leica mini
Leica - Kamera
Leica Mini Zoom
Leica Metalloplan Microscope Leica minilux
Leica Slide Printer Leica Reflex Housing
Leica Eldia Printer Leicaflex SL MOT - motor
Leica Winder M Leica Motor-Winder
R3 / R3-MOT
Leica Motor Winder R4 Leica Schneider Variogon
Leica Motor-Drive R Leica Leitx Extension Rings
Leica Motor M Leica Focusing Bellows - R
Leica flash synch
Leica zur synchronisierten
Leica Winder M 4-2 -
Winder M 4-P
Leica Motor Mooly - 1940
Leica Universalsucher
Leica Motor (battery) Leica SF 24D flash
Leica Rapid Winder Leicavit Winder
Leica Lenses booklet Leica Universal Bellows
Leitz Reprovit I Leitz Reprovit II
Stereo Lens
Leitz Rondinax
Film developing tank

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