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Butkus Camera Manual Site
updated  - Jan. 2025

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ANSCO Camera Manuals

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Butkus Camera Manual Site

 Ansco Antar No. 2A box  Ansco Folding
No. 1, No. 3, No 3A
 Ansco MEMAR  Ansco 127 camera
 Ansco Super MEMAR  Ansco Lancer
 Ansco Box Camera 2 and 2A  Ansco Vest Pocket No. 2
 Ansco No. 3 camera  Ansco Admiral
 Ansco Commander  Ansco Vest Pocket No. 3
  Ansco Buster Brown
No. 2 Folding
No. 1A and 3A
 Ansco Semi-automatic 1A  Ansco flash unit
 Ansco Rediflex  Anscoflex
 Ansco Super Regent LVS  Anscoflex II
 Ansco Speedex Nos. 3 and 3A  Ansco Buster Brown Camera
No. 2, 2A, 3, 3A
 Ansco Pioneer / Pioneer 16  Anscoset
aka Minolta Uniomat
 Ansco Pioneer 20  Ansco Speedex 3 - 3A
 Ansco  Anscoset II
 Ansco Shur-Shot 20  Ansco Karomat
 Ansco Sure-Shot Box D6  Ansco Readyflash
 Ansco Regent  Ansco Speedex
 Ansco Super Regent  Ansco Speedex Special "R"
 Ansco Autoset  Ansco Speedex Special 4.5
 Ansco Royal F7.9 and F6.3  Ansco No. 1A Super Speedex /
No. 1A Ansco Advanced
 Ansco Reflex - booklet  Ansco Shur-flash
 Ansco Clipper  Ansco Viking Readyset
 Ansco Clipper 16  Ansco Cyko Pointer
 Ansco Flash Clipper Camera  Ansco Speedex Jr.
 Ansco Titan 20  Ansco Color Clipper
 Ansco ANTAR  Ansco Miniature Cameras /
Ansco Cameras
 Ansco 1010, 1020, 1030  Ansco Camera Operation
- 1948
 Ansco Cameras (1920s ?)  Ansco Flash How-to
 Ansco Junior No. 1  Ansco Memo
Instructions / Flier
 Ansco Junior
No. 1A and No. 3A
 Ansco Memo and Ad
 Ansco PD 16
- Viking - Readyset
 Ansco Memo II
 Ansco No. 1A Readyset *
 Ansco  Ansco No. 9
 Anscomark M   Ansco 235 35mm
 AnscoMark M Lenses  Ansco Panda 20
 Ansco Film  Ansco Filters
 Ansco cameras
and film - link
 Ansco Viking 4.5 and 6.3

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All manual creations copyright© 2025
by M. and L. Butkus, High Bridge, N.J.