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Butkus Camera Manual Site
Updated - Jan. 2024

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MIRANDA Camera Instruction Manuals

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List of many other camera manuals
collected from web sites that closed
over the past 10 years. You must ask by the specific
brand and file name if you want one.

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Unofficial Miranda site, but quite useful

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 Butkus Camera manual site

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Miranda Miranda Automex II
Miranda Automex Miranda Automex III
Miranda Guide
Miranda F, FV, FVT, Sensomat, RE, RS
Miranda Sensorex, Auto Sensorex EE
Miranda Auto F/1.9 lens
(mounting and macro tubes)
Miranda D Miranda C
Miranda EE Miranda CdS Cadius II
Miranda EE-2 Miranda DX-3
Miranda Fv Miranda DR 1.9
Miranda F (late ?) 1/500 shutter Miranda Coupled meter for F
Miranda F (early ?) 1/1000 shutter Miranda CDs and Through the lens meter
Miranda CADIUS Exposure Meter Miranda Penta Prism CDS light meter
* Miranda though the lens meter
Miranda G System Miranda GT
Miranda G Miranda MS-1 Super
Miranda MS-1N Miranda MS-3
Miranda Auto Sensorex EE Miranda S
Miranda Sensorex Miranda Sensorex II
Miranda Sensorex - C Miranda Sensoret
Miranda Sensomat Miranda Sensomat TM
Miranda Sensomat RE Miranda NK-AF 36 flash
Miranda RE-II Miranda SF 35mm
compact camera
Miranda Guide Miranda 530TZ flash
Miranda P-AF36 flash Miranda 700 CD flash
Miranda 730 TCD flash Miranda 430TCB flash
Soligor Reverser Ring Miranda Automatic Lenses F1.9 5cm

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