Internet Sites to explore related to Tobacco
Be for-warned, a number of "vaping" sites have
domain names
to encourage "Vaping" as an alternate to smoking.
As of Feb.
2023 a Vaping company had to pay millions
for advertising to children.
Dec. 2019 -
Vaping is being looked at, as several teens have died.
2020 - Besides Covid-19, those that smoked or Vaped are more
likely to have
serious problems or death.
Feb: 2023 Vaping company has to pay millions
for agressive campaign towards children.

- - Static Page - -
update 9-23-'97
-- All images copyright© their respective organizations --
As the date above identifies, this was done long before the current search
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Action on Smoking and Health
National Cancer Institute
American Cancer Society
(site bought out)
Canadian Medical Association
The Web of Addictions
US Department of Health and Human
Centers for Disease Control and
- contains tobacco-related news, research, cessation information,
educational materials, Surgeon General's Reports, and "TIPS4Kids".
US Environmental Protection Agency
US Food and
Drug Administration
World Health
American Nurses' Association
Ohio State University
Found via YAHOO on 4-16-97
-- In 2009 I tried to find some old lost links. You may be directed to - the text remains, not many of the images --
Kick Butts Day
- national day to promote smoking awareness among kids. April 10, 1997.
Anti-Smoking Page (gone)
- Links on smoking, cigarette addiction, nicotine, cancer, tobacco. Many
anti-smoking organizations and resources.
- CDC's Tobacco Information & Prevention Source page
- contains tobacco-related news, research, cessation information, educational
materials, Surgeon General's Reports, and "TIPS4Kids".
- Cigarette
Papers, The
- understanding of the secret research activities of the tobacco industry.
First chapter available free, online.
- Foundation for a Smoke Free America
- key note speaker Patrick Reynolds, grandson of RJ Reynolds, is a nationally
known tobacco free advocate.
Great American Smokeout
- an entertaining anti-smoking resource for students.
- Harmful Effects of Smoking, The (gone)
- a student's investigation into the effects of filters and low-tar
- INFACT's Tobacco Industry Campaign (gone)
- urging the boycott of tobacco companies that market to young people.
- - Clearing the Smoke (gone)
- information on smoking prevention, cessation and regulation, the latest news
about the war on the tobacco industry, a youth section, and an on-line activism
- Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
Smoke Signal
- health information for Native American youth.
(Site located on Way Back Machine - runs slow)
Smoke-Free Kids
- Smoke Screen - The Tobacco Control Activist Network (gone)- electronic advocacy for tobacco control activists.
- State Tobacco Information Center (STIC) (gone)- state-by-state coverage of litigation against the tobacco industry including
full text litigation documents.
Tell the Truth
- tobacco ad parodies by high school students.
- The Camel Who Liked to Smoke (gone)
- teaches young readers about the emotional issues involved in cigarette
- Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down! (gone)
- users rate Oscar nominees according to smoking in each film.
- Tobacco BBS - News & Resources
- focuses on tobacco issues and featuring related news, history, book and
movie lists, addresses, and quit-smoking tips