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CS Lenses

Auto Mamiya-Sekor FISHEYE CS 14mm f/3.5 Lens
One of the rarest (and hardest-to-find) lenses for the Mamiya NC series. I swapped a similar 14mm Mamiya SX lens with Roland Stauber, in Germany, to get it! You will find the optical performance of this lens is very good wide open, and corner sharpness becomes excellent when stopped down to f/8. This is a really good lens that belongs in any serious collection.

Mamiya-Sekor 14mm CS Fisheye Lens
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
14mm f/3.5
7 10 180º f/16 1.0 ft. (0.30m) Built-in n/a 9.9 oz. (280g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 21mm f/2.8 Lens
The Mamiya-Sekor 21mm CS lens provides impressive optical performance, with stopped-down corner sharpness that becomes very, very good. Like the 14mm CS Fisheye lens, this lens is also extremely rare today. However, the angle of view of such a super-wide lens lets you create very dramatic landscape shots, even though it does take some practice to use it effectively. Definitely one to look for in your collection, although it could get pricey.

Mamiya-Sekor 21mm CS Lens
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
21mm f/2.8 8 10 85º f/16 1.0 ft. (0.30m) 58mm Screw-In 8.1 oz. (230g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 28mm f/2.8 Lens
This is the standard wide angle lens for the NC series. I can readily imagine that most people who bought the camera added a 28mm wide-angle and/or a 135mm telephoto lens to their system, which is why these lenses are readily available on the used market.

The performance of this lens is pretty standard for a 28mm lens from a reputable manufacturer such as Mamiya. Sharpness in the center and contrast are very good. Corner sharpness could be a little bit better when stopped down. Nothing really damaging -- or very exciting, but very useable.

However, while relatively good overall, it doesn't seem to perform quite as well as the 21mm CS lens.

Mamiya-Sekor 28mm CS Lens
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
28mm f/2.8 7 8 75º f/16 1.0 ft. (0.30m) 49mm Screw-In 6.0 oz. (170g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 35mm f/2.8 Lens
Although I wouldn't call it extremely rare, don't be surprised if it takes you some time to find this lens. Back in the heyday of the NC1000, I can imagine that most users preferred adding a 28mm lens to their standard lens, instead of the 35mm. Actually, the 200mm prime lens and the 80-200mm zoom lenses seem to be available more often on the used market than this one.

However, the performance of this lens is also very good, and superior to the Mamiya CS 28mm lens (especially in corner sharpness).

Mamiya-Sekor 35mm CS Lens
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
35mm f/2.8 6 6 63º f/16 1.5 ft. (0.45m) 49mm Screw-In 5.4 oz. (150g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 50mm f/1.4 Lens
This is the large aperture standard lens for the NC-series cameras. This lens makes manual focusing very easy due to the bright image in the viewfinder and the shallow depth of field. It is often hard to find.

The performance of this lens is excellent when stopped-down to f/2.8 or more. Wide open, however, some may find it just a little bit soft.

Mamiya-Sekor CS Lens 50mm f/1.4
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
50mm f/1.4 6 7 47º f/16 1.5 ft. (0.45m) 49mm Screw-In 7.3 oz. (205g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 50mm f/1.7 Lens
This is, by far, the most common lens found on NC-series cameras. It seems like almost every NC1000 or NC1000S came equipped with this lens. However, because of this abundance the market value is not very high, even if the lens is in almost mint condition.

Mamiya is renowned for their lens design, especially for their standard lenses (in both 35mm and medium-format photography). When you take pictures with this lens, you will know why. The performance is outstanding. It is probably the best of all the Mamiya NC-series lenses. This lens alone makes the NC1000 camera extremely usable even today.

Mamiya-Sekor CS Lens 50mm f/1.7
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
50mm f/1.7 5 6 47º f/16 1.5 ft. (0.45m) 49mm Screw-In 5.2 oz. (145g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 50mm f/2.0 Lens
This lens is not listed in many Mamiya NC brochures or manuals I have seen. This could be because it was introduced just shortly before the whole NC-series was discontinued.

The lens is very compact and the focusing ring is quite narrow. This might also be the reason that the focusing action is not quite as smooth as other CS lenses. However, the optical performance is excellent and almost equals that of the f/1.7 version. An advantage would be its very low weight.

Mamiya-Sekor CS Lens 50mm f/2.0
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
50mm f/2.0 6 4 47º f/16 1.5 ft. (0.45m) 49mm Screw-In 4.3 oz. (120g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 50mm MACRO f/3.5 Lens
This excellent lens is very rare. Do not be surprised if takes you a long time to track one down, or if bidding becomes fierce in any auction where you might find it.

Mamiya NC cameras were usually sold with a standard 50mm lens, and very few people were willing to spend the extra money on a macro lens with the same focal length -- particularly since this macro lens was, even when new, also one of the more expensive Mamiya lenses.

The Mamiya-Sekor 50mm CS Macro focuses down to a maximum magnification of 1:2. There is also a hard-to-find extension tube "Macro CS" available for this lens for 1:1 magnification.

Mamiya-Sekor CS Lens 50mm MACRO f/3.5
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
50mm f/3.5
4 5 47º f/16 .75 ft. (0.22m) 49mm Screw-In 7.4 oz. (210g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 135mm f/2.8 Lens
This was considered the standard telephoto lens for the NC-series camera. I can imagine most people who bought the camera added a 28mm wide-angle and/or a 135mm telephoto lens to their system, which is why these lenses are readily available in the used market, often at a relatively low price (exceptionally nice examples may fetch considerably more).

The performance of this lens is excellent. It is one of the best lenses available for the NC series. It is very contrasty and delivers excellent sharpness, even when wide open. This is very important for a telephoto lens, since it is used wide open most of the time, for faster shutter speeds and beautiful background blur when shooting portraits.

Mamiya-Sekor CS Lens 135mm f/2.8
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
135mm f/2.8 4 5 18º f/16 5.0 ft. (1.5m) 52mm Built-In 11.1 oz. (315g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 200mm f/3.5 Lens
This is lens is beautifully crafted and has a unique feature: the name "Mamiya" is engraved on a ring around the center of the lens barrel which makes this lens look very classy. While not abundant, this lens can be found with some regularity on the used market, although mint versions can get very pricey.

However, although this is a very good lens, I was a little bit disappointed by its optical performance. While very good, it does not seem quite as good as the 135mm Mamiya CS lens.

Mamiya-Sekor CS Lens 200mm f/3.5
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
200mm f/3.5 4 4 12º f/16 7.5 ft. (2.3m) 58mm Built-In 17.3 oz. (490g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 300mm f/3.5 Lens
This is another one of the rare and hard-to-find lenses for the Mamiya NC series. In all the time I have been observing, I have only seen it a half dozen times on eBay.

The lens is surprisingly light-weight for its size. It has a built-in lens hood and a tripod mount. However, the large minimum-focusing distance of five (5) meters is quite a drawback in my opinion. I have not tested the optical performance of this lens, but I would assume that there is quite a bit of chromatic aberration due to the lack of special dispersion glass.

Mamiya-Sekor CS Lens 300mm f/3.5
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
300mm f/3.5 4 4 f/16 18.0 ft. (5.0m) 77mm Built-In 27.5 oz. (780g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 45-90mm f/3.5 Lens
This is another one of those almost impossible-to-find lenses for the NC-series. When you do manage to get your hands on one it is, unfortunately, often dysfunctional. The zoom function of the lens is frequently thwarted due to some very sticky material inside (looks like a melted plastic or rubber part). It can be cleaned, but you may spend a considerable amount of time to get it to work again.

However, the cleaning is definitely worth the effort. The optical quality of the Mamiya CS 45-90mm Zoom is excellent.

Mamiya-Sekor CS Lens 45-90mm f/3.5 Zoom
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
45-90mm f/3.5
9 12 51-27º f/16 4.5 ft. (1.4m) 67mm Screw-In 21.7 oz. (815g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 50-135mm f/3.8 Lens
In all honesty, it is hard to be 100% certain this lens really exists. In all the time I have been collecting, I have never actually seen one, and it does not appear in much Mamiya literature.

However, that's the rub…there is direct evidence in some literature. This lens was listed in a 1978 German brochure for Mamiya cameras, and also in a German Mamiya "New Product" brochure. It is conceivable that this was a lens that was only distributed in the German market.

Mamiya-Sekor CS Lens 50-135mm f/3.8 Zoom
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
50-135mm f/3.8
10 14 47-18º f/16 5.0 ft. (1.5m) 67mm Screw-In 24.7 oz. (700g)

Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 80-200mm f/3.8 Lens
This lens is a real gem! Very well built and an outstanding performer (especially from 80mm to 150mm). You can find it on the used market occasionally and the price is generally not terribly steep, making it a great value.

According to Roland Stauber, in Germany, on some samples of this lens you can focus this "beyond infinity." This doesn´t hurt the performance of the lens at all, but it does mean you have to be careful when you shoot landscapes. When you want to focus on a distant subject, make sure you do not focus the lens all the way to the end stop.

Mamiya-Sekor CS Lens 80-200mm f/3.8 Zoom
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
80-200mm f/3.8
10 14 30-12º f/16 4.0 ft. (1.3m) 58mm Screw-In 27.3 oz. (775g)

Additional Mamiya Accessories Available for the NC1000
The following are the original Mamiya accessories that were available for this camera:

Filters: A series of five high-quality filters, designed to maintain the high performance of the Mamiya-Sekor CS lenses. They come in 49, 52 and 58mm sizes, and in the following types: SY48 (Y2), SO56 (O2), SL39 (UV), YG, SL-1B (skylight).
Lens Hoods: Screw-in lens hoods are available for the 28mm and 35/50mm lenses. Telephoto lenses have built-in retractable lens hoods.
Diopter Correction
Many near- and far-sighted persons have difficulty looking through a viewfinder wearing glasses, but cannot focus accurately with them. Diopter Correction lenses, available in six different strengths, adjust for this deficiency.
Rubber Eye Cup: The Rubber Eye Cup, mounted on the rear viewfinder, helps prevent unwanted light from the back and sides.
Magnifier: Useful aid for critical focusing required in close-up photography. Mounts to rear viewfinder. Image size is doubled, and the Magnifier provides for diopter adjustment.
Angle Finder: Useful for low angles, the Angle Finder has click stops every 90º and freely rotates 360º. Has built-in diopter adjustment.
Extension Tubes:
A set of three tubes of different lengths, which mount singly or in combination between the camera body and lens. Useful for close-up photography. Diaphragm automation of the lens is retained.
Auto Bellows: A versatile bellows unit for photomacrography. Rack and pinion control allows precise adjustment. Additional features include a double cable release for diaphragm automation and provision for mounting the lens reversed, for large magnifications.
Slide Copier: Used with the bellows unit, the slide copying attachment is mounted in front of the lens to allow copying of slides and filmstrips. It has a slide stage that makes it easy to crop mounted slides, and a removeable film tray to facilitate copying long rolls of 35mm film.
Bellows Stand: Actually a small stage for photographing small objects. The platform rotates to allow for best positioning, and has clips to hold objects in place. The surface has a reflectance of approximately 18%, ideal for exposure measurements. A clear glass stage is provided for backlighting and incident light measurement.
Focusing Screens Five interchangeable focusing screens are available. Rangefinder Spot 45º/Microprism is the standard screen with the camera. Rangefinder Spot is an all-matte screen with a Fresnel lens and central rangefinder spot. Microprism is entirely matte with a Fresnel lens and central microprism spot. Matte is all matte with a Fresnel lens. Excellent for close-up photography. Cross Hair is a clear transparent screen with a Fresnel lens and a cross-hair at the central spot.
P-Mount Adapter: This adapter permits the use of universal (42mm) screw mount lenses on the Mamiya NC1000. Diaphragm automation, where applicable, is fully retained.

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