2002 - 2004 Saturn Vue bra installation
I purchased a used (new in box) Vue bra from Ebay. It
arrived with everything in the original bags.
This was originally ordered
from a Saturn dealer that the person never put on. A great deal at the $45
I paid.
WARNIING... any "Bra" should be taken off to remove moisture, or
paint damage can occur.
Installation was a snap, if you have a flat screwdriver and phillips
screwdriver. You might need a pair of pliers to hold the
replacement plastic inserts while you screw in the snap screws.
Click on image to enlarge.
Instructions warn this is for a dealer install. Any good handy
(used tools before) person should have no problems. You DO NOT
drill any NEW holes only use replacement inserts with snap tops.
First you need to remove the current clips. Pull out the
center cap with a flat screwdriver, then pull out the insert.
Then press the plastic insert in the hole and screw in the snap
cap. There are two on each wheel well. This is where you
might need pliers to hold the plastic clips while screwing in the
snaps. There are two snaps you need to put on the center front.
The hood works the same way. I think there is a bigger washer
that is suppose to go on the hood snap. The front snaps on and two
hooks go into the underneath hood holes. With just two snaps and
two hooks, the front top comes off with ease.

The front bra has metal tabs covered with cloth. You need to
bend them to "hook" over the insides of the grill.
I also needed to cut out the front plate cover. Snip the inside
thread... and just pull the thread. Out will come the square plate
holder. The hole goes behind the plate.
There are cloth tabs by the lower headlight. I just kept them
folded over and pushed in the headlight edge, I also did that for
the directionals. The driving lights have plastic lenses
covers. I wonder how long that will last before they fog out?
One other thing, many of the lower and sides of the bra are held on by
bending metal plates. I am a quite strong person and bending these were
easy to me. Someone else might need two pliers to assist them in bending
the metal. The bottom and lower air intakes mount by these created
hooks that simply slide over the plastic body parts. The top was my most
important as I wanted something to deflect the air up and protect my
windshield. No one can say if a front air deflector will deflect rocks
(got lots in Jersey from dump trucks) from hitting your windshield but was
hoping this would help. There are two tabs on the upper bra that seem to
deflect air up. The bra comes on and off quite easily but you do need to
get on the ground to put on the bottom part. All parts fit
perfectly. The instructions say the bra can stay on after being wet but I
would not trust it. The upper part can be off in 45 seconds. The bottom in
a minute or so. Installing, about 2 - 3 minutes. Just kneeling on
the ground is required. It has a felt backing as to not scratch paint but
dirt behind the bra can do nasty stuff. There is a cutout if your state
requires a front plate.