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Cheap but Kool. I purchased these lights for $19.95 from a Western
Auto parts store. It's a part of Sears,
selling their tools, batteries and other items. They are just called
"driving lights" in a blister pack. The housing for the lens is all glass.
There is a plastic case holding the lens assembly.
you can't see in the picture the screws were rusting.
I replaced the screws that came with it and replaced them with S/S screws.
They are hard to find so bring one. These driving lights have 55W
bulbs with a yellowish reflector. These light are very directional
and give off a bright yellowish light. I also purchased a relay kit
from Western Auto ($8) with wiring and all. Radio Shack wanted $7.
for just the relay. I wired them differently from the enclosed instructions
by taping the battery directly for the
for the driving lights. I took the power to run the relay from the
high beam wire going to the car's headlight then finding a ground connection
to hook the other end.
the headlights are on high, power will go to the relay then ground,
closing the contact. The other wire from the relay switch goes to the lights.
When the high beams power goes to the relay solenoid closing the switch.
The switch get power from the battery to the driving lights, then to ground.
I brought the ground wire for the solenoid inside the car for it's ground
connection. Someday I will add a switch to the ground. I'll
be able to turn on the highs and not the driving lights by disabling it's
ground connection. I soldered all the connections and placed electronic
no-rust in the connection joints of the push-in electrical
connections. This is the area I mounted
the lights. I just bolted the metal hanging bracket to the plastic
bumper. Cheap, but nice.