Yashica MAT EM
posted 12-22-'02

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Yashica MAT EM mode d'emploi
Yashica MAT EM folleto de instrucciones

Yashica Mat-EM camera camera



Yashica Mat-EM camera camera

1. Magnifying Glass

2. Sports finder Frame

3. Strap Holder

4. Film Counter Window

5. Lens Opening & Shutter Speed Window

6. Shutter Speed Control Wheel

7. Crank

8. Crank Rest

9. Shutter Release Button

10. Focusing Hood Cover

11. Exposure Meter Reading Window

12. Exposure Meter Photo Cell


13. Flash Synchronization Terminal

14. Viewing Lens

15. Lens Aperture Control Wheel

16. Taking Lens

17. Back Cover Locking Lever

18. Spool Locking Spring

19. Depth-of-Field Scale

20. Exposure Setting Reading Scale

21. Focusing Knob

22. MX Synchro-selector


Yashica Mat-EM camera camera


Yashica Mat-EM camera camera

23. Spool Locking Spring

24. Self-timer

25. Tripod Socket

26. Film Pressure Plate

27. Film Setting Mark

28. Film Reverse Arm

29. Film Tension Spring



Yashica Mat-EM camera camera

(1 ) To unlock the back cover turn the tripod socket in the direction marked 'O.'
Then open the Back Cover by swinging it out.

(2) Remove the Take-up Spool in the Lower Film Chamber by pulling out Lower Spool Locking Spring.

Place the Take-up Spool in the Upper File, Chamber by pulling out the Upper Spool Locking Spring.

(3) Place a new roll of size 120 film in the Lower Film Chamber.

(4) Flip up, the Film Transport Crank and slowly wind it clockwise so that the wider slot of the Take-up Spool in the upper Film Chamber faces upward. Then gently draw out the film leader and thread it firmly and evenly into the slot.

(5) Gently wind the Crank clockwise.

(6) Advance the film by slowly winding the Crank until the arrow on the film points to the triangles on either side of the camera body.

(7) Close the camera back cover and lock it by turning the Tripod-Socket in the direction marked 'C'. The letter 'S' will appear in the Film Counter Window.

Yashica Mat-EM camera camera

Yashica Mat-EM camera camera



Yashica Mat-EM camera camera

(1 ) Wind the crank clockwise until ill comes to a stop. The letter 'S' will hove disappeared and No. l will appear in the Film Counter Window.

(2) Then wind the crank counter-clockwise until it stops. You are ready to snap your first picture.


Yashica Mat-EM camera camera For subsequent exposures a smooth pendulum swing, first downward to stop and then upward to stop, advances the film and winds the shutter simultaneously.

Yashica Mat-EM camera camera

(A) The downward wind advances the film and moves up the number of the next film in the Film Counter Window. 

(B) The upward wind winds the shutter. 

(C) The position of the crank when it is flipped back into its rest after your pictures have been taken.

The shutter should not be kept wound when not in use because it weakens the shutter spring and there is the possibility you may unknowingly press the shutter button and waste a film.



Yashica Mat-EM camera camera When using film rated in DIN index, move conversion scale so that DIN number of the film appears in the window. ASA number of the film, at the same time, appears in the window at the opposite side of the scale. Set the ASA number in to the ASA Indicator Window.
Yashica Mat-EM camera camera


(A) The arrow points to the Lens Opening and Shutter Speed Scale Window. The letter "f" on the left of the window indicates lens opening and 'sec' indicates shutter speed.

(B) The shutter speed is set by turning the Control Wheel with your right hand thumb either up or down as indicted by the arrow. The red shutter speed figures should be set so that the black triangles on the window run exactly through the center of the figures.

(C) The lens opening is set by turning the Control Wheel with your left-hand thumb either up or down as indicated by the arrow. The black lens opening figures should be set so that black triangles on the window run exactly through the center of the figures.



Yashica Mat-EM camera camera
       Yashica Mat-EM camera camera


(1) Move ASA Setting Knob so that ASA number of the film in use appears in ASA Indicator Window.

(2) Turn Exposure Indicator Adjusting Knob to match the 'Green Index Arrow' to the red needle.

(3) Read correct exposure combination indicated in Exposure Indicator Window. They are the proper exposure combination of lens aperture and shutter speed to be set on your camera

(4) Turn Shutter Speed Control Wheel and Lens Opening Control Wheel to bring the pertinent shutter speed and lens opening in to the center of the window located on the top of viewing lens.


(1 ) Open the focusing hood by lifting it at the back, and now point your Yashica at the subject,

(2) Rotate the Focusing Knob until your subject on the ground glass screen becomes sharp. The bright circle in the center of the ground glass viewing screen enables you to obtain a sharp focus and should be the center of the picture you are composing on the screen. The red lines on the screen help you to judge proportion and compose your picture.

Compose your subject on the ground glass as you would like to see it in the final picture.

Yashica Mat-EM camera camera


Yashica Mat-EM camera camera

For critical focusing

(A) Raise the Magnifying Glass by pressing the front of the Focusing Hood Cover inward, holding the Focusing Hood so that it does not close.
When using the Magnifying Glass, place your eye as close to the Magnifying Glass as possible.

(B) Always make sure that you have first lowered the Magnifying Glass before closing the Focusing Hood.


Yashica Mat-EM camera camera

Sight your subject through the Sports Finder Window. 

(A) Depress the Focusing Hood Cover until il clicks into place. Lift the Yoshica to your eye level.

(B) Push the Release Button to close the hood cover.


Yashica Mat-EM camera camera



Correct exposures for flash pictures will be obtained easily and correctly by consulting the guide numbers printed on the package of the flash bulbs.

When taking color flash pictures you may need filters or have to use proper bulbs according to the type of films (Day-light or Tungsten) you are using.

Your camera dealer will be glad to supply the proper flash attachment for your camera.

Yashica Mat-EM camera camera

As you become more proficient at taking pictures, you will want to acquire accessories that increase the versatility of your Yashica.

One of the first accessories you will want will b? a flash unit.
Synchronization for flash is built-in. A standard PC connector plugs into the flash terminal.

The battery case is attached to the camera by an arm that screws into the tripod socket.

Selector Position   M  X X
Bulb used M type  F type Electronic Flash
Shutter Speed  Any Speed 1/60 or slower  Any Speed
(When using Self-Timer)


Yashica Mat-EM camera camera For taking self-portraits or group pictures, you have about 8 seconds to get into the picture. Therefore your camera must be mounted on a tripod or brace to pre. vent o blurred picture. 

Caution! Be sure to move the synchro selector to the X position when using Self-timer.


After all 12 pictures have been taken, wind the Film Transport Crank about 6 times to take up the remaining film and open the camera and remove the film. Yashica Mat-EM camera camera


Yashica Mat-EM camera camera A standard. overlap-type Cable Release can be fitted to your Yashica. Simply unscrew the Shutter Release Ring and Screw in the Cable Release. Your camera dealer will supply the proper cable release for your camera. See left picture.


The lens opening controls the amount of light that will pass through the lens onto the light-sensitive film.
 Your Yashica MAT-EM with its Yashinon lens offers openings f / 3 5, 4,56,8,11,16, and 22.

Yashica Mat-EM camera camera

Notice that the lower the number, the larger the opening F 3 5 is the largest opening, f 22 the smallest
To set the lens opening, move the Aperture Control Wheel to the desired number on the Aperture Scale 



The Shutter Speed controls the duration of the exposure. Shutter speeds on this camera with its fine Copal Shutter are 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/l5, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500 of a second and B. The 'B' setting is for taking pictures with an exposure longer than 1 second. Use a Tripod or Brace when using B. When you press the Shutter Release Button on the "B" setting the shutter stays open until you release pressure on the button.

It is advisable to set the shutter speed before you wind the shutter all times.


Yashica Mat-EM camera camera

When you focus the camera on a subject there is a certain distance in front of and back of the subject within which other objects will also appear sharp. This is known as the " Depth-of-Field," and it varies with the lens aperture. The smaller the aperture, the greater the Depth-of-Field.

If the camera is focused at 10 meters and the lens aperture is f / 16, the Depth-of-Field {area in which all objects are sharp! is from about 5 meters to infinity.


Be sure to replace the lens Cap when your camera is not in use. Keep your camera away from dust and moisture. For cleaning the lens surface to remove dust or dirt, always wipe very lightly by using clean gauze or lens cleaning cloth. Do not wipe the lens with a dirty handkerchief. When you are not using your camera for a long period do not leave the shutter set.