This camera manual library is for reference
and historical
purposes, all rights reserved.
This page is copyright© by
, M.
Butkus, NJ.
This page may not be sold or distributed without
the expressed
permission of the producer.
I have no connection with any camera company.
On-line camera manual library
If you find this manual useful,
how about a donation of $3 to:
M. Butkus, 29 Lake Ave.,
High Bridge, NJ 08829-1701
and send your e-mail address
so I can thank you.
Most other places would charge
you $7.50 for a electronic copy
or $18.00 for a hard to read Xerox copy.
This will help me to continue to host this site,
buy new manuals, and pay their shipping costs.
It'll make you feel better, won't it ?
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- better printing