Braun Super Paxette
(The cover shows Super II but
the instructions
never say II)
posted 2-9-'04
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CLICK HERE FOR Braun Super Paxette
Braun Super Paxette II PDF

First of all make yourself thoroughly
familiar with the various parts of the camera and, before
inserting a film, go over the necessary operations
several times. Good snapshots can only be achieved if your
SUPER - Paxette II is
always ready for instant action.
1 Rewind push button 11
2 Accessories shoe with exposure counter . 9
3 Rapid winder 10
4 Window of coupled view and range
finder 14/15
5 Shutter speed setting ring 16
6 Socket for cable release -
7 Shutter release lever 20
8 Focusing ring coupled with view and
finder 14
9 Camera back locking ring with tripod bush
inch 5
10 Rewind knob with film speed reminder . 16
11 Window of coupled view and range
finder 14/15
12 Depth of field ring 18
13 Flash contact -
14 M X V Adjustment 22
15 Aperture setting 17
The SUPER - Paxette camera, made
by Carl Braun of Nuremberg, is a first class product which reflects the
skill and care of the operatives behind its manufacture and also the modern
quality of the plant itself. These facts are self-evident and are very
quickly confirmed by actual use of the camera.
This booklet describes the
SUPER - Paxette in detail and should be
carefully studied before handling the camera.
The SUPER - Paxette will prove a
constant friend and pleasant companion at all times.
How to Open the
Release the milled locking ring on the
camera base by turning it to the left. The back of the camera can then be
slid off.
How to Insert
the Film
Insert the film cassette into the film
chamber so that it engages in the rewind knob. Open the film pressure plate
and draw out the trimmed end of the film far enough to be inserted into the
slot of the take-up spool. At the same time ensure that the lug on the
take-up spool hooks into the perforation in the film. Now wind the lower
wheel of the empty spool until both sprockets engage in the perforations of
the film; it is also advisable to depress the film rewind push button at the
same time. Lastly, swing the film pressure plate back into the closed
position and close the camera.
Important: Avoid direct sunlight when loading or unloading the camera. Turn
your back to the light and hold the camera in your own shadow.
How to Close the
To close the camera the back should be
inserted between the camera housing and front plate and the locking ring
The Exposure
The exposure counter reads backwards from
36 to 1, indicating each time the number of unexposed frames still
available. After the film has been inserted and the camera closed, set the
counter at the red dot near the figure 36 by turning the toothed wheel which
is positioned just below the maker's name. Advance the film twice (each time
advancing the rapid wind lever 1 1/ 2 times until a definite resistance is
felt), and the film counter should then read 36.
The Rapid winder
The shutter winding mechanism, film
transport and film counter are coupled and operated by means of the rapid
wind lever. Advance the lever as far as possible, then release it, allowing
it to spring back; then advance it approximately half way until a noticeable
resistance is felt. The film is now transported, the shutter wound, the
exposure counter correctly set and your Super-Paxette is ready for the next
How to Unload
the Camera
When the exposure counter shows figure 1,
this means that the entire length of the film has been exposed.
To wind back the film, press the rewind
push button, then pull out the rewind knob as far as it will go and turn in
the direction of the arrow. Just before the rewinding operation is
completed, a more marked resistance will be noticeable indicating that the
end of the film is still held by the take-up spool. A few more turns will
wind the film completely into the cassette. The camera can then be opened
and the film changed.
Important: The rewind button must remain
depressed throughout the rewinding operation.
Loading and Unloading Drill
Loading the SUPER - Paxette
1. Open the camera
2. Insert film cassette
3. Attach film to take-up spool
4. Close the camera
5. Set the exposure counter
6. Advance the rapid wind lever twice
7. The camera is ready for the first shot
Unloading the SUPER - Paxette
1. Press down rewind button
2. Pull out rewind knob as far as it will
3. Turn rewind knob in direction of arrow
4. Wind the entire film into cassette
5. Open the camera 6. Take out cassette
Checking the
Film Transport
In order to ensure that the film
transport is functioning correctly, pull up the rewind knob as far as it
will go. If the film is moving forward properly, the rewind knob will turn
in the direction opposite to that indicated by the arrow when the rapid
winder is advanced.
Important: This check should be made for
a short time only. After checking, push the rewind knob in again.
Checking the Rewinding
To check the rewinding action, release
the locking stud during the rewinding operation. If the mechanism is
functioning properly a very definite resistance will be noticeable. If no
resistance is felt, this means that the film has been pulled out of the
cassette and cannot be wound back. This fault can only be remedied by
opening the camera in a darkroom.
Important: Do not attempt to force the
film or the perforation of the film will tear. When continuing to rewind,
press in the lucking stud again.
The Coupled Range Finder
The coupled range finder of the S U P E
R • ,Paxette does not only give the frame of the picture but also the range
finder image which is visible as a light circular area in the centre of the
field. By turning the focusing ring on the lens the exact distance to the
subject is measured and automatically set.
Attention: All interchangeable lenses
for the Super-Paxette are coupled to the range finder.
How to Use the
Range Finder
In the middle of the light circular area
you will see a double image of the subject sighted. By turning the
focusing ring these two contours should be made to coincide; in this way the
exact distance to the subject is established and the lens focused.
The Film Speed
In order to avoid errors when choosing
aperture and shutter speed, set the film speed indicator to the speed of the
film used as soon as the latter is inserted into the camera.
Exposure Time
The shutter is set by bringing the red
mark on the milled ring of the shutter into register with the desired speed
engraved on the collar of the shutter housing.
The Lens
The lens aperture or diaphragm is set
by means of the front ring on the lens. Bring the red dot into register with
the black line at whatever setting is required.
Note: Aperture 2.8 high speed - little
depth of field.
Aperture 16 slow speed - great depth of
The Delayed
Action Release
The setting lever has to be pushed from X
to green V. This can be done only when the shutter is wound.
Attention: When setting V is used, the shutter
setting B cannot be used. After the delayed action mechanism has run off,
the setting lever goes back to X automatically.
Depth of Field
The depth of field or depth of definition
comprises the zone from the foreground to the background of the picture
which is sharply defined in the reproduced image. This area or depth varies
according to the aperture chosen, that is to say, a large aperture (f/2.8)
gives less depth of field and a small aperture (f/16) gives a greater depth
of field.
With the SUPER. Paxette the depth of
field for every photograph can be easily read off the depth of field ring
which is between the focussing ring on the lens and the shutter speed
setting ring; this repeats on the left and on the right of the setting mark
the range of apertures.
Changing the
The lens should be screwed firmly home
into the lens panel in a clockwise direction. If correctly screwed in, the
central dot on the red engraved depth of field scale should be just below
the engraving „SUPER-PAXETTE". Remove the lens by unscrewing it in the
opposite direction. When screwing the lenses in and out they should be held
by the knurled fixed ring bearing the depth of field scale.
The Attachable
View Finder
Without mask this view finder gives the
exact framing of the picture when using the wide angle lens of 38 mm focal
length. The mask must be used with long focus lenses of 85 and 90 mm. For
the 135 mm tele-lens an additional mask is necessary, which is supplied
together with the lens. Furthermore these focal lengths are engraved on the
bottom edge of the view finder and on the mask.
For High Demands!
Ask your photo dealer for the Universal
Prismatic view finder of Steinheil or for the Polyfocus Universal view
finder which give you the exact images for all focal lengths. (See also page

Release the shutter gently and deliberately without jerking it, moving
the middle finger only and not the whole hand. Allow the finger to rest on
the release lever until the release action is completed. Remain perfectly
still and composed while taking a picture, especially when taking snapshots.
If you follow these rules you will be delighted with the excellent results
Taking a Picture
The SUPER - Paxette should be held firmly in both hands
with the rounded bottom edge resting in the palms of the hands. When the
shutter is released hold the camera steady with the left hand.
Synchronization for the Prontor SVS shutter
The Gauthier Prontor SVS shutter is
fully synchronized for flash, and enables you to set the lever in any
desired position.
Three settings are possible:
Setting M, yellow. Draw out head of setting lever and
set to M.
In this position, the M-type flash lamps
are ignited with shutter speeds of 1/30 sec. to 1/300 sec. Setting M cannot
be used for electronic flashes. The delayed action release does not work. If
no flash-gun is attached the shutter operates normally.
Setting X, red. Draw out head of setting lever and set
to X.
In this position electronic flash shots
can be taken at any shutter speed. For flash lamps, only shutter speeds up to
1/30 second can be used. The delayed action release does not work. If no flash
unit is attached the shutter operates normally.
Setting V, green. Only possible with a wound shutter.
After the delayed action mechanism has run off, the lever goes back to X
This position is used if you want to
work with the delayed action release. For flash shots the same conditions apply
as for position "X".
Accessories for the SUPER - Paxette
Interchangeable lenses coupled to
the range finder
Wide angle lens
Cboro f:3,5/38
Wide angle lens Westron f:3,5/35
Long focus lens Telexon f:5,6/85 |
Long focus lens
Quinar f:3,5/85
Long focus lens Telenar f:3,8/90
Long focus lens Ennaston f:3,5/135 |
Prismatic View Finder Made by Steinheil for focal
lengths 38, 85/90 and 135 mm with parallax compensation.
TEWE-Polyfocus Universal View Finder for focal lengths 35/38, 45/50,
85/90 and 135 mm with parallax compensation.
Optical View Finder for 38 mm with mask
for 85/90 or 135 mm
Paximat 35 mm Slide Projector with rapid slide changer. Amazingly simple
to handle.
Branax 35 mm Enlarger can be used for reproduction and macro photography
in conjunction with ground glass adapter, intermediate rings and repro lens.
Paxitron Home Flash works without dry or wet batteries and takes its
energy directly from the mains. Guide number 44 for 17/10 DIN = 40 ASA films.
Light output: appr. 80-90 W/sec.
Pico Electrical attachable
exposure meter masters all exposure problems. Ranging from 15 sec. - 1/1000 sec.
Eveready and combi-cases - filters and
filtersets - sunshades
The right for change of construction due
to improvement is reserved herewith Printed in Germany 4-'57/5a