Pacermaker Graphic
posted 12-22-'02

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CLICK HERE FOR A Pacemaker Graphic PDF


Pacermaker Graphic camera


This is a condensed operating manual covering the basic points of the Pacemaker GRAPHIC Cameras.
If you desire a more complete manual, just drop a line to our Technical Service Dept., and it will be sent to you.

Pacermaker Graphic camera

Opening the Camera: the bed release button located at the top center or top left side of the camera body. Draw the front standard out to the infinity stops and lock. 

NOTE: that these are constant reference points to permit checking ground glass sharpness at all times. They may be folded down to allow use of additional bellows extension.


1. Set the diaphragm pointer and the shutter speed scale according to the film manufacturer's recommendation for the film being used. A good exposure meter is invaluable for obtaining proper exposure. If using a Speed GRAPHIC, make sure that the focal plane shutter is open when using the front shutter and vice versa. Set or wind the shutter.

2. Focus the lens using the focusing scale, ground glass or accessory rangefinder. 

3. Attach film receptacle and withdraw the dark slide.

4. Center the subject matter in the open frame finder or optical viewfinder, check the adjust. meets for parallax correction.

5. Hold the camera steady and squeeze back on the body release to make the exposure. 

6. Replace the slide of the film receptacle and change the film for the next exposure.

Closing the Camera: Before closing the front bed or tilting it downward, be sure to roll the track back as far as possible with the focusing knob. Lock the front standard after sliding it back in the camera body.

Focusing Scales: For greater distances, align the marking for the same distance setting indicated on both scales. For shorter distances, set the pointer at the front of the scale opposite the figure representing the distance to the subject.

Focusing scales: must be calibrated for each individual lens. More than one set of scales and stops can be fitted to Pacemaker GRAPHICS.

Finders: The open frame finder is generally used for fast action. Click stops and scale markings for parallax adjustment are at the right side of the open frame. Interchangeable masks eliding into the front frame of the optical viewfinder indicate the field included by lenses of different focal lengths. The correct setting on the parallax dial should be turned to the indicator line along the top of the finder.

Ground Gloss Focusing: Press in on the small latch at the bottom of the viewing hood. Open both shutters of the camera. To remove the hood for close examination of the corners of the ground glass, press outward on the spring clips at either side of the hood and lift off. To close the viewing hood, press inward on the side wings, fold the lower flap up and fold the top down to lock.

Groflok Bock: This uses ONLY GRAPHIC attachments. It is a spring back with a panel removable by pressing inward on the knurled edges of the panel arms at the top and bottom and sliding the assembly to the right where it may be lifted off. The GRAPHIC Roll Holders, film pack adapters and GRAFMATIC Film Holders may then be fitted and locked in place with the elide locks. The last two accessories can also be inserted beneath the focusing panel and locked in place with the slide locks.

Groflex Bock: This accepts ONLY GRAFEEX attachments. Film receptacles and the focusing panel are held by top and bottom slide locks.


Pacermaker Graphic camera Selecting Speeds: Turn the outer knurled ring until desired number is opposite the pointer on the front of the shutter (additional pressure is required in turning to 1/400 to overcome resistance of the booster spring).

Flash with Synchronized GRAPHEX: Connect the cord from contact posts on the shutter to the SHUTTER (series) Outlet of battery case. Move synchronizer control lever to position recommended by the lamp manufacturer's flash tables before winding shutter. Double "M" setting: for faster (black) speeds, use black "M" position, for slower (red) speeds, use corresponding red "M". For gas-filled type "F" lamps or high speed electronic flash not operated by a relay, use "X-F" setting. Use red shutter speeds with SM and SF lamps.    Place in the "OFF position if flash is not being used or shutter is being tripped with a solnoid. Trip shutter by the Body Release. Do not attempt to use the button on the battery case.

To Operate: If you have a Speed GRAPHIC, be sure the focal plane shutter is open. Set synchronizer control lever if flash is being used. Set shutter speed and aperture indicator (diaphragm) for the exposure required. (Use film exposure guide or a meter for best results). Move winding lever to the right to wind the shutter. Hold the camera steady and carefully squeeze the shutter or body release to make the exposure. For convenience in opening the shutter for ground glass focusing, the "press focus" lever may be used. Wind the shutter in the normal way, depress the "press focus" lever until the shutter leaves open. To close, move the "press focus lever" forward and upward. Trip the shutter as above. This shutter may be operated by an external solenoid, if desired, but be sure to move control lever of synchronized shutter to "OFF."

Graphex (X) Shutter: The GRAPHEX (X) shutter is operated in the same manner as that described above. The contact posts on the side of the shutter are intended to be used only with Class "X" (zero delay) high speed electronic flash units, and not with standard flash lamps. For synchronization with standard flash lamps and with relay operated high speed units, a solenoid should be attached to the shutter and synchronized with its operation.


Pacemaker Graphic camera

Selecting Speeds: Turn the outer knurled ring until a pointer is opposite the shutter speed number for the exposure required.

Flash Synchronization with Flash Supermatic: Connect the cord from the shutter contact posts to SHUTTER (series) outlet in the battery case. To set, pull adjustment control button up to unlock, or loosen screw, if shutter has this type of adjustment. Set synchronizer adjustment to position recommended by lamp manufacturer's flash tables.


 For synchronization with high speed electronic units not operated by a relay, wind and release shutter in the normal way. Trip by pressing Body Release. Do not attempt to use the button on the battery case. The Flash Supermatic Shutter is not intended to be solenoid operated.

To Operate: If you have a Speed GRAPHIC, be sure the focal plane shutter is open. Set the shutter speed and aperture indicator (diaphragm) for the exposure required. (Use film exposure guide or meter for best results). Wind the shutter lever by moving to the right. (For flash synchronization with Type F or Type M lamps, also wind the synchronizer winding lever by moving as far as possible). Hold the camera steady and carefully squeeze the shutter or body release to make the exposure. For convenience when focusing with the ground glass, the "press focus button" may be used. Wind the shutter in the normal way. With the button held down, trip the release lever. To close, rewind the shutter. Trip shutter as above.


Pacermaker Graphic camera

The Supermatic (X) Shutter is operated in the manner already described. The contact posts on the side of the shutter are intended to be used only with Class "X" (zero delay) high speed electronic flash units, and not with standard flash lamps. For synchronization with standard flash lamps, and relay operated high speed units, a solenoid should be attached to the shutter and synchronized with its operation.

Body Release: This permits tripping the front shutter and the focal plane shutters of the Speed Graphics, Set the selector slide at FRONT for tripping the front shutter, and BACK for tripping the focal plane shutter. Press in on the lower edge to move the slide up or down.

Focal Plane Shutter: The focal plane shutter produces six accurately controlled speeds read directly in the shutter speed window. Shutter speeds are changed by (a) turning the winding key, (b) tripping or "running down" the shutter, (c) moving the speed control lever forward or backward. The shutter may be tripped without closing the synchronizer circuit by moving the selector slide up to TRIP and down again.

Time Exposure: Set the shutter at "T" with the speed control lever moved back. Trip once to open and once again to close the shutter.

Synchronization: The Focal Plane Shutter is synchronized at speeds of 1/1000 and 1/250 with only No 31 and No. 2A lamps. Other lamps and electronic flash tubes can be used at the "Time" setting. The lamp will be fired as the shutter is tripped by the body release, but not by pressing a button on the battery case. Lamps will not be fired when the shutter is wound.

Drop Bed: For wide angle photography, the bed of the camera may have to be dropped. Refer to the table ( Page 8), which indicates the recommended position of the bed when most wide angle lenses are used. In case of question always check the image on the ground glass at the back of the camera. Before dropping or raising the bed, be sure that the track is racked all of the way back into the camera body. In some instances an infinity stop for the wide angle lens will be located behind the front standard on the short section of the sliding track.

Exposure: The many types and speeds of film which may be used in your camera make it rather difficult to include adequate exposure data in this booklet. Film manufacturers supply this data with many films and can also supply exposure charts and guides for their films. An exposure meter is always helpful in obtaining good exposure.


Position of Bed When Wide Angle Lens is Used

Lens Crown "23" Speed "23" Crown "34" Speed "34 Crown "45" Speed "45"
65MM Optar W.A. Normal -- Drop -- -- --
80MM W.F. Ektar Normal Normal Normal Drop -- --
88MM B&L W.A.  Normal Normal Normal Normal Drop Drop
90MM Optar W.A. Normal Normal Normal Normal Drop Drop
100MM W.F. Ektar -- -- Normal Normal Normal Normal

The front standard of the camera can be raised, tilted or shifted. The lock nuts at the center of the sides are used when the lens is raised. The lock nuts at the base are used to tighten the tilt position. To shift the front standard laterally, loosen the front standard lock and depress the plate beneath it and move the standard. Then retighten the lock. These movements are used to center the image on the ground glass when it is not desirable to tilt or swing the camera because of resulting unpleasant convergence of lines such as room or building corners. Special effects can also be obtained such as the photographing of large groups or areas from an elevation, bringing the entire area into sharp focus, even with a large lens opening, merely by tilting the lens forward a little.

The GUAFLEX Technical Service Department will be pleased to answer-questions relating to your GRAPHIC and help you solve photographic problems. When writing to this Department, be sure to refer to the camera serial number and if possible, send in negatives with exposure data.

The registration card packed with your camera when it left the factory should be filled out completely and mailed promptly. It will help us to give you more complete service.

For your convenience GPLAFLEX maintains completely equipped authorized service facilities in the cities noted below:



Graflex, Inc., Western Division, Sales and Service
800 N. Cole Avenue, Hollywood 38, Calif.
Graflex, Inc., New York Sales and Service
Suite 922, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y.

in Canada
Graflex of Canada Limited,
137 Wellington Street, West, Toronto
Ontario, Canada

NO. 18BA/5-553