Mamiya/Sekor XTL

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Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera
(posted 4-3-02)

P-mount adaptor information at bottom


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

1. Self-timer

2. Neck strap eye-let

3. Automatic reset exposure counter

4. Meter OFF locking button

5. Shutter release button with threaded cable release receptacle and soft release button

6. Single stroke rapid film lever

7. Shutter speed dial and ASA/DIN window

8. Exposure hold control switch

9. Accessory shoe with built-in flash contact

10. Penta-prism housing



11. Film plane reference point

12. Battery test light

13. Rewind knob with rewind crank

14. Battery check button

15. Spot/average meter system selector switch

16. Easy grip pad

17. Depth of Field preview button

18. Raised red dots for lens mounting and removal

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

19. Built-in lens hood

20. Lens focus ring

21. Depth of Field scale

22. Aperture ring

23. FP and X terminals

24. Film chamber


25. Viewfinder eye-piece

26. Focal plane shutter

27. Film advance sprockets

28. Rapid loading take-up spool

29. Removable hinged compartment door

30. Film pressure plate

31. Film cartridge pressure plate

32. Lens release knob

33. Battery compartment cover

34. Tripod socket

35. Rewind release button

36. Motor drive cover

37. Auxiliary shutter release for motor drive

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

We know that when you purchase an exciting new product like your Mamiya/Sekor Auto XTL Camera, you want to use it immediately. For this reason, here is an AUTO XTL SHORT COURSE to show you how to take a few pictures before you read the detailed instructions on all the great features at your command. Have fun.


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera
Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera
Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera Your new Auto XTL Camera is supplied with a silver oxide battery (S76) especially designed for its unique metering system. It will last approximately one year depending upon use and must only be replaced with an Eveready S-76 battery or equivalent. No other substitute can be used.

Open the battery compartment on the base of the Auto XTL by turning the cover counter-clockwise with your thumb and fore finger, and remove (A). You may use a coin to loosen the cover if it is too tight, but continue to remove it with your thumb or forefinger..

Clean the battery contacts with a clean dry cloth to assure they are free of oil or dust which can interfere with making positive contact. With the (+) sign facing you (B) insert the battery and replace the cover, tightening with thumb and forefinger, turning it clockwise until It's tight.

When the camera is not in use, or when changing lenses, always LOCK the meter in the OFF position. To do this, press the button on top of the film advance lever (C).
Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera


Press the red Battery Check Button located near the Rewind Knob. A green light will show in the small circular window to the right of the Rewind Knob indicating the battery has sufficient power (D).

Check periodically in this manner to make sure that the battery is up to operating power.

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

Pull up on the Rewind Knob until lock disengages and film door swings open (E). When you do this the Exposure Counter will automatically return to zero. Drop the film cartridge into the chamber, push down and rotate the Rewind Knob until it drops into its fully seated position.

Rotate the take-up spool with your finger until one of the slots is facing you. (The arrow on the take-up spool indicates the direction in which it rotates). Unwind enough film (about 2 inches) so that the leading edge may be inserted in the slot (F).


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

With slow steady pressure advance the film with the Advance Lever and check to see that the film sprocket holes are engaged in the teeth of the film transport sprocket (G). Close the door firmly until you hear a click. The letter " S " will automatically appear in the Exposure Counter Window every time fresh film is loaded in the camera. Gently turn the Rewind Knob clockwise to take up the slack of the film.

Press the Shutter Button and advance the film by rotating the Film Advance Lever to the right with your thumb until it stops. Release the lever and repeat several times until the figure " 1 " appears in the Exposure Counter Window (H). is film is advanced, the Rewind Knob will rotate in a counter-clockwise direction indicating that the film is advancing properly.

Your new Mamiya/Sekor Auto XTL camera is now ready for action.

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera


The Film Advance Lever on your Auto XTL Camera accomplishes the following operations: 1. Activates the light metering systems. 2. Advances the film forward one full frame. 3. Advances the film (frame) counter. 4. Winds the shutter. As the lever is slowly pulled away from the body of the camera (approximately 1/2 inch), it clicks into a position that turns on the light metering systems. By continuing the stroke to the right until the lever stops, it advances the film and winds the shutter. Release the lever and it returns to the " meter on " position. You may turn off the metering system and snap the lever to its fully seated position by pushing down on the leatherette button on top of the Film Advance Lever (1).

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

Lift the outer ring of the Shutter Speed Dial and rotate it in either direction until the ASA number of the film you are using appears in the window (J). The speed of the film you are using can be found in the data sheet which is packed with the film or printed on the film cassette itself.

For films using the DIN rating, turn the ring until the corresponding number appears in the window next to the DIN marking.

The table below indicates the ASA and DIN numbers available. The numbers represented by the dots are shown in parentheses next to the respective dot.


The length of time that light is allowed to strike the film controlled by 'he focal plane shutter. The shutter consists of two opaque " curtains " which travel across the opening and allow light to reach the film. The speed at which these blinds travel and the gap between the two blinds determines in fractions of a second the exposure time for your picture. For example, 1000 on the dial indicates 1/1000 of a second and 60 indicates 1/60 of a second. The figure 1 indicates one full second. The B setting is used for longer time exposures. At this setting, the shutter will remain open as long as the shutter button is held down. For exposures less than 1/60 of a second, it is advisable to use a cable release, tripod or other steadying devices to avoid camera movement which can result in blurred or fuzzy pictures.

To set the shutter speed rotate the Shutter Speed Dial in either direction until the desired number clicks into place next to the black indicator arrow (K). The speed you select is also indicated on the bottom of the viewfinder control center so that you can set the speed without removing the camera from your eye.

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

IMPORTANT: When selecting a shutter speed, do not pull up on the Shutter Speed Dial or you may inadvertently change the ASA speed setting.


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera Now that you have determined the time the light will be allowed to strike the film, you may set the precise amount of light. This amount of light is represented by " f " numbers or f/stops engraved on the lens aperture ring which clicks into place as you rotate it. The f/stop designations indicate the opening formed by the diaphragm of your lens. When operating manually, you may use the " click stops " provided or set your lens at any setting between click stops (L).


The Mamiya/Sekor Auto XTL is a single lens reflex camera. This means that you view the subject through the taking lens. Since the same image is transmitted to the eye as to the film, parallax is eliminated. You see the picture in the viewfinder exactly how it will appear later on your developed prints or slides.

Focusing the Auto XTL is made easier by the micro diaprism focusing grid in the viewfinder.. This small round area in the center of the finder exaggerates the difference between the " in focus " and " out of focus " image (M). By rotating the focusing ring on the lens barrel until the micro diaprism disarm pears, the image is in focus for both the eye and the film (N). For subjects with irregular outlines, like wooded hillsides, the entire ground glass area of the viewfinder may be used for focusing. In any case (except with infra-red materials) when the image appears to be sharp in the finder, it will be sharp on the film.

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

When using infra-red film, first focus the image as above. Then note the distance as represented by the number which appears opposite the footage index mark on the lens barrel. Rotate the focusing ring until this number is opposite the small red mark, and the lens will be correctly focused for infra-red photography at that distance. This is necessary because infra-red film is sensitive only to infra-red light rays, which focus on a plane slightly behind that of ordinary light rays.


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

Your Mamiya/Sekor Auto XTL has a precision dual metering system which frees you from the necessary manual operations of conventional cameras. Now you can enjoy complete freedom and expression without having to figure out exposure set tinge. With accurate electronic precision, the Auto XTL makes the necessary adjustments for correctly exposed pictures. Just follow these simple steps for automatic operation:

1. Load the camera with film and set the correct ASA speed for the film used.

2. To turn on the metering system pull the Advance Lever away from the camera body approximately 1/2 inch.

3. Select your shutter speed (1/125 for usual outdoor situations) .

4. For automatic operation set lens aperture ring so " AUTO " (or green dot) is next to red index dot (O).

5. Check viewfinder to verify exposure needle is not in red area. 

6. Compose and focus your subject in viewfinder and take picture.


There are two ways of determining correct exposure with your camera. Whether you use the Spot or the Average system will depend upon the type of picture you are taking.

"SPOT " Reading:
The " Spot " method of exposure calculation is especially valuable when the most important area of the picture is either much lighter or much darker than the general picture area, or in landscapes, where sky light would register a much higher reading than trees or buildings at ground level. Such a situation would cause under exposure if the subject were to be measured with a conventional, averaging meter from the camera position. " Spot " reading is also useful for subjects under insufficient lighting such as indoor shots or night scenes.
To obtain a spot reading, move the Spot/Average selector switch down until the letter " S " appears (P).

Looking through the viewfinder you will notice that the letter " S " in a yellow square appears in the right vertical section of the Control Center. This indicates that the metering system is reading about 6% of the total picture you are viewing. Focus the lens so that the subject is critically sharp. Then aim the camera so that the micro diaprism focusing spot in the center of the viewfinder falls upon the most important part of the picture you are about to take. Make sure that this spot does I not include any part of the picture that is either lighter or darker than the section you are reading.
Now, snap the shutter for perfectly exposed picture.

"AVERAGE" Reading:
When the scene to be photographed is made up of areas of  equal importance, an overall, average reading is preferable. Push the Spot/Average selector switch up until the letter " A" appears (Q). The letter " A " in a yellow square will also appear in the right vertical section of the Control Center, indicating that the whole picture is being measured by the meter. Focus on I the subject and snap the shutter.

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera
Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

You will encounter some picture taking situations in which you may want to depart from routine metering in the automatic position such as:

1. Your subject is back lighted or sidelight and will not be positioned in the center of the picture;

2. The most important light falling on your subject is so critical that you have to move in closer to take a reading and then return to your original position.
Many creative photographers feel that the best composed photographs do not always have the center of interest in the center of the picture. If this is your preference and if your subject is positioned to either side of the picture as you see it in the viewfinder, you will find the Exposure Hold Control (R) a helpful feature.

Take a close up reading of the important portion of the picture, press the Exposure Hold Switch and then compose as desired. The Auto XTL metering system will " memorize " the exposure until you fire the shutter. If you are taking a portrait in an extremely back lighted situation, you can move up close to your subject and take a spot reading on a portion of your subject's face; press the exposure hold switch, and then move back to your original position. After you have taken the picture the exposure hold switch will automatically return to its original position so that subsequent photographs will not be affected by the previous " memorized " meter reading.

You can release the exposure hold switch any time by pushing up on it with your fingertip. With a small amount of pressure the exposure hold switch will return to its original position. (In situations where special readings will be repeated, we recommend that you reset the aperture ring on the lens to the f/stop which corresponds with that particular exposure setting. This procedure will ensure that all of your subsequent photographs are made at the special exposure you have selected).


The self timer provides a method of taking delayed action pictures, allowing a photographer to get in to his own pictures!

When the self timer lever is rotated counter clockwise, it travels approximately 70 degrees, and a delay of eight seconds is provided before the shutter fires. Shorter intervals may be accomplished by rotating the lever for shorter distances anywhere between 30 and 70 degrees (S). The timer is activated by pushing the shutter release button.

NOTE: If the self timer lever is not rotated at least 30 degrees, the timer will not function properly.

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

When a camera lens is focused to give a sharp image of a particular subject, some objects slightly behind, as well as some objects slightly ahead of the subject will appear to be sharp. The distance between the nearest and farthest objects, which are in focus, is called Depth of Field.

Depth of Field changes each time the f/stop changes, becoming greater as the lens is stopped down toward f/16, while decreasing as the f/stop is opened toward f/1.8 or f/1.4. Other factors influencing depth of field are the focal length of the lens and the focusing distance at which the picture is taken. The shorter the focal length and/or the smaller the lens diaphragm opening, the greater the depth of field for any given focusing distance, and vice versa.

Proper use of depth of field can enable the photographer to utilize the principles of " selective focus " which often means the difference between ordinary snapshots and pictures of quality. For example, the proper selection of a " sharp " zone of focus can eliminate an unwanted object in the background. The same could be true of foreground objects. (See photos to left).

When you wish to view the depth of field before taking a picture with the Auto XTL, focus with the micro diaprism spot as explained before and press the depth of field preview button. This causes the lens diaphragm to close (i. e. "stop down "). If you have already taken the meter reading, the lens is now at the diaphragm opening at which the picture will be taken.

The depth of field will appear in the finder exactly as it will be in the finished picture. By changing the focus while the lens diaphragm is stopped down, you can select the area of sharpness in your picture. When using non-automatic or preset lenses, the diaphragm must be closed manually, but the same results can be achieved.

You may also determine depth of field by checking the scale on the lens barrel. Numbers representing lens apertures appear at the near and far limits of depth for any given focus distance and lens opening (T).
For Example, if the standard lens is focused at 15 ft., one of the lines representing f/11 appears at the 10 ft. mark. The other line (again representing f/11) is at the 30 ft. mark. This means that a picture taken with the lens focused at 15 ft., and the diaphragm set at f/11, all objects in the picture between 10 ft. and 30 ft. will be in focus. This method is extremely valuable when the lens diaphragm is stopped down too far to allow enough light for the picture to be viewed through the viewfinder..
Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera


A variety of interchangeable lenses are available to increase your enjoyment of your new Mamiya/Sekor Auto XTL Camera. With the wide angle and telephoto lenses you can take pictures expressing different points of view. Telephoto lenses change the perspective normally associated with shorter focal length lenses. For example, a telephoto lens allows you to move up closer to your subject without physically changing your position. Wide angle lenses allow greater coverage than is possible with your normal lens. Interiors and exteriors of buildings or pictures of large groups of people are possible.
To change your lens, hold the camera securely with one hand and press upward on the lens release knob. With the other hand, firmly grasp the lens and rotate it counter-clockwise until the two large red dots are opposite one another. Pull the lens straight out from the camera body (U).

To mount the lens, match the red dots of the lens barrel and the camera body and rotate the lens clockwise until it locks into position with an audible click.

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

IMPORTANT: Protect your camera body and lens from damage or dust by using a body cap for the camera body and front and rear lens caps.

<<<< Additional information not in the manual:  
I just wanted to point out that not all Mamiya M42 lenses are safe to use with the P adapter for the Auto-XTL. If you attempt to use the SX type lenses with the Auto-XTL P adapter, the aperture sensing pin will dig into the P adapter face since it is not perfectly flush with the outer surface edge of the SX lense. Furthermore, since the entire moving surface of the aperture ring of the SX lense comes to rest against the P adapter face, it will lock down the aperture control of the lense and make it impossible to turn, therefore preventing SX lens f-stop manipulation. Mamiya M42 AUTO lenses seem to be safe choices as are M42 Yashica-Yashinon, M42 Meyer-Optik and M42 Zeiss MC Sonnar (S) lenses. Any aperture ring that rotates at the extremity of a lens should be avoided. Of course the SX lens works perfectly well with the "ZE" P adapter for Mamiya ZE series lenses which it was designed for. Lenses with Auto and Manual switches like Zeiss MC Sonnar work well with the Auto-XTL P adapter in conjunction with its Auto Aperture pin. Lenses that have no Auto Aperture and only manual control of aperture appear to work equally well like Meyer-Optik Orestor M42.  
Robert A. Genna, Connecticut teacher and photographer, 10-23-04  >>>>>>


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera The flash terminals, marked FP and X allows a choice of flash synchronizations (V). The selection of a terminal depends upon the type of flash used, as well as shutter speed. The following table shows the correct combinations to be used in various flash situations. These combinations must be rigidly followed to ensure correct synchronization.

Shaded areas indicate the shutter speeds at which listed bulbs are to be used, with the cord attached to the indicated terminal.

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera


Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

When you have finished taking all your pictures, (either 20 or 36 exposures), you must rewind the film back into its cartridge.

To do this, push in the rewind release button located on the bottom of the camera (W).

Turn the crank in the direction of the arrow until you feel the tension in the film lessen. This indicates that the film has left the take-up spool (X).

When rewinding film, a click can be heard each time one frame is rewound. When the clicks can no longer be heard, the film has been completely rewound. If for any reason you are not sure that the film has been totally rewound into the cartridge, continue to maintain tension on the rewind crank and at the same time advance the film advance lever a full stroke. Trip the shutter and advance again. Repeat this at least 3 times. If you do not feel a tension or pulling on the rewind crank when working the film advance lever, the film has been completely rewound. Open the back of the camera and remove the cartridge.


Your new Mamiya/Sekor Auto XTL Camera is protected from accidental double exposure under normal picture taking situations since you cannot take a picture until you advance the film and rewinds the shutter. However, to make double exposures for special effects:

1. Take your first picture in the usual manner.

2. Press the film rewind button on the base of the camera and slowly turn the film rewind knob clockwise until you hear a click. Stop. The click means that you have rewound the film one full frame. Next, advance the film twice. This winds the shutter and repositions the original frame for the second shot or double exposure.

Manual or Stopped-down Aperture Operation with Lenses and Accessories

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

You can use lenses other than Auto Mamiya/Sekor ES lenses with accessory Mamiya/Sekor " P " and " T " adapters such as:

1. All Mamiya/Sekor or Praktica universal thread mount automatic or preset lenses.

2. All preset "T" mount lenses.

Here's how the above lenses are used:

1. Mamiya/Sekor or Praktica mount automatic lenses.

(a) Attach Mamiya/Sekor " P " adapter to your Auto XTL camera by matching the red dots and turning clockwise until it clicks into position.

(b) Mount lens by screwing it into the adapter.

(c) Turn meter on and focus.

(d) Depress Depth of Field preview button and rotate aperture ring until meter needle in viewfinder moves into index mark O (see viewfinder control center diagram) immediately above the f/1.4 index.

(e) Release the Depth of Field preview button and shoot. The lens will now automatically stop down to the proper exposure setting (Y).

2. Preset "T" Lenses

(a) Attach Mamiya/Sekor " T " adapter to any preset " T " lens by screwing on to the lens until it is fully seated.

(b) Mount lens and adapter combination to camera by matching the red dots and turning clockwise until the lens clicks into place.

(c) Focus on the subject.

(d) Rotate aperture ring until meter needle in viewfinder moves into index mark O immediately above f/1.4 index mark. (See diagram) (Z).

(e) Shoot.


You can use your new Auto XTL Camera on microscopes, extension bellows, slide copiers, extension rings, and copy stands. Use these accessories by following the " stop down " method of manual exposure meter reading outlined above. Please refer to instructions enclosed with the accessories.

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera



Possible cause: Improper loading. Review the section on film loading and be sure you are loading the camera correctly, with the film being securely attached to the take-up spool and winding in the CORRECT DIRECTION, that is, UNDER the take-up spool. Film may not have gone through camera at all.

Possible cause: Timer not rotated full 30 degrees. Timer must be rotated to some point between 30 and 70 degrees.

Possible cause: Improper shutter speed for the type of bulb used.
Or improper cord receptacle used for the type of bulb or shutter speed. Check Flash Synchronization tables carefully.

Possible cause: Film Advance lever not advanced far enough. A full stroke is necessary for winding the shutter. However, a ratchet incorporated within the advance mechanism will allow you to accomplish a full wind in a series of short strokes.

If any problem listed above cannot be solved in the manner suggested, do not attempt to repair your camera. Take it, or send it, instead, to your nearest service station. A minor problem could possibly be aggravated by tampering.


STORAGE: If the camera will not be used for an extended length of time, store it with the shutter un-wound. This relieves tension on the spring. Lock the exposure meter " Off " and remove the battery. Never store in areas where temperatures exceed 100 degrees F. or go below freezing (32 degrees F).
Protect against excess moisture by using silica gel or other desiccant.
Never expose the camera to direct sunlight for extended periods of time. Avoid areas where exposure to salt water or salt air occurs.

CARE AND CLEANING: Use a blower or camel hair brush to clean film chamber and area around take up spool before loading film into camera. Never use your own breath to blow out dust from a camera. Your breath is full of moisture which will cause corrosion of the precise operating parts of your camera.  Clean lens with lens tissue and a good quality lens cleaning liquid only.  Do not clean lens at all unless you notice that it needs it. Avoid rubbing the surface of the lens if there is any loose grit or dirt present.

Don't use a handkerchief. Never touch the lens with your bare fingers.
Never rub the surface of the reflex mirror. If there are foreign particles of any kind that cannot be removed by blower
or camel hair brush, leave them alone until a factory approved serviceman is available.
Dirt on the mirror can have no effect on the picture.


35 mm Single Lens Reflex with automatic exposure control, manual exposure control and two built-in behind-the-lens exposure systems, one for spot readings and one for average readings.

35 mm perforated film in 20 or 36 exposure cartridges.

24 x 36 mm

55 mm f/1.4, Mamiya/Sekor ES 7 elements 5 groups Fully automatic aperture control Angle of view: 43°
Lens accessory size: 52 mm

55 mm f/1.8, Mamiya/Sekor ES 6 elements 5 groups Fully automatic aperture control Angle of view: 43°
Lens accessory size: 52 mm

Mamiya/Sekor bayonet

Focal plane type with speeds from 1 to 1/1000 sec. and " B " for time exposures.

Built-in variable delay timer to 8 sec.

Sensitive CdS exposure meter provides average or spot 6~ center reading. Light is measured at film plane.

Automatic control. Set lens to " AUTO " (or green dot); camera will automatically select correct exposure or lens may be manually set to aperture indicated in the viewfinder.. Metering system will also operate with Mamiya/Sekor Praktica 42 mm lens mounts, preset lenses and other accessories by using lens " stop-down " method.

f/1.4 lens: EV 3--18
f/1.8 lens: EV 3.7 - 18

1.5v silver oxide Eveready S-76 battery.
Battery ON/OFF switch and tester provided.

ASA 25 to 3200 DIN 15 to 36

Penta-prism with Micro diaprism center surrounded by ground glass area on Fresnel field for rapid focusing.

With 55 mm lens: 0.95X

Lower portion of viewfinder indicates shutter speed selection. Right side of viewfinder indicates Auto/Manual setting; spot/ average meter system; under and over exposure warning, and f/stop.

Instant return type

With focal plane bulbs: 1 to 1/1000 sec. With Class " M " bulbs: 1 to 1/30 sec. With Class " F " bulbs: 1 to 1/30 sec. With Electronic Flash " X ": 1 to 1/60 sec.

Two flash contacts provided--" FP " and " X "
Flash contact " X " built into accessory shoe on penta-prism.

Ratchet type film advance.

May be advanced in one stroke or several short strokes for a total of 150° rotation. Advance lever also contains meter ON/OFF control and double exposure prevention system.

Progressive type from " S " (start) to 36. Counter automatically resets to " Start " when film compartment door is opened.

Width: 5 7/8" (149.5mm)
Height: 3 3/4" (95 mm)
Thickness (without lens): 2 1/8" (54 mm)

1 lb. 9 oz. (710 grams)

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera

This information was provided by a reader:


One way to use the Mamiya ZE "P" adapter with the Mamiya ZE-X without damaging the ZE-X is to first attach an Osawa MC-4 ZE 2x teleconverter to the ZE-X camera body. Then you can attach the ZE "P" adapter to the teleconverter in order to use lenses from the DSX, MSX, DTL and TL series of cameras. Of course you will have then doubled your focal length by two but at least you have the ability to use those M42 lenses with the ZE-X.

When used with the ZE-X, the Osawa MC-4 ZE 2x teleconverter will not allow a light meter readout in the viewfinder from Mamiya M42 type lenses with ZE "P" adapter or any E or EF type lenses without ZE "P" adapter. The MC-4 ZE 2x only gives a light meter readout in the viewfinder with the ZE-2 camera, and set apertures will have no effect as far as the light meter is concerned in the ZE-X. A hand-held light meter will be required for the ZE-X so you can then set the aperture and shutter speed needed in fully manual mode.

A correct exposure can then be obtained with the ZE-X/MC-4 ZE 2x combination. The ZE "P" adapter alone, may also be used directly on Mamiya NC type cameras with lenses for DSX, MSX, DTL and TL series of cameras. (Note: E and EF type lenses for the ZE, ZE-2 and ZE-X are not interchangeable with CS type lenses for the NC series of cameras and vice-versa.)

The "P" Adapter permits the use of automatic or preset lenses using the universal thread mount. In the case of lenses having an automatic diaphragm pin the "P" Adapter will allow you to use these lenses in a semi-automatic fashion. that is, using the "stop down" method of metering the Auto XTL through the "P" Adapter will activate the diaphragm pin during exposure.

Description of Parts

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera Operating Instructions

1. Attach the P Adapter to your Auto XTL camera by matching the red dots and turning clockwise until it clicks into position.

2. Mount lens by screwing it into the adapter.

3. Turn meter on and focus.

4. Depress the Depth of Field preview button and rotate the aperture ring or shutter speed dial until meter needle in viewfinder moves into index mark ~ immediately above the f/1.4 index.

5. Release the Depth of Field preview button and shoot. The lens will now automatically stop down to the proper exposure setting

Mamiya/Sekor XTL camera