Danger Will Robinson... Danger !

I have started to see many of these FAKE camera manual sites

They go by different names,
but all generate the same page and link
 - scroll down for more info.

Also:  The newest trick is to have you add an "extension"
to your Google Web Browser... right...
 then everything you do will be recorded and sent to that company

Back to camera manual site

Below is one of many of these "extensions"

"Please install the new free Online Manuals extension
to update your Google Chrome™ new tab,
to access free manuals with sponsored web search."
I read the "Terms of Service", I did !
https://manualsaid dot com/

1: This "extensions" is made in Hong Kong  (Everbright Centre, 108 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong)
2: "you are installing a software application that will change your internet browser settings.

The Extension is designed to enhance your internet searches and provide additional features. As such, the Extension may reset your browser homepage, start page, new tab page and/or default search settings."

NO... you don't want to do that ! !

warning of fake instruction manual sites


This is a Google doc page

warning of fake instruction manual sites

warning of fake instruction manual sites

If you notice (which these people hope you don't) it is a Russian website !

a .ru site is Russian... you do NOT want to go to a Russian web site.

warning of fake instruction manual sites

What I downloaded was a PDF, but it was hacked and contained an extra program inside the PDF.

My anti-virus did not like that and recommended to me not to open it.

So just a warning, it seems to come from a WordPress site.  Just don't be fooled.

These starting to showing up too !
If you notice... read the text.. it does not make sense... 
and you think the file is safe ? ?
This one goes to a Germany site  .dk 

warning of fake instruction manual sites

Even more fake web sites:

These sites state you can get the blah-blah-blah manual and they give you a link:

 .... "but it asks for a CC"

It's OK.. just to make sure you are not a bot

I logged in and everything is O.K.
REALLY... give some dumb site your CC number... 

Plus... if you search for another manual.. the exact same site is repeated.  So it's some search engine replacing the camera manuals "name" with the manual you were searching for....

Fake site that will pull the name of the file you are looking for and give you this... you DO NOT want to follow this link.

This is a totally fake site with fake people thinking that these are actual users.  

warning of fake instruction manual sites


Here is another one looking for a Polaroid repair manual !  Gee, identical to the other one. 
Look at the photo of the guy with "Yes, just fill in, it's a trusted site".  Same person.  Same date it was on the other site. Amazing !
FYI.  Note the domain name.  .myddns.me is someone's personal hard drive... oh no !
Plus the site is not secure.

warning of fake instruction manual sites

Gee... even if looking for an underwater flash... Exact same fake search page.

warning of fake instruction manual sites

Looking for a Horseman manual... same wording... amazing !

Good site... long time there download ?  That's proper English ? ?

warning of fake instruction manual sites


March 2021  still there with different names - a trusted site... really, every date seems to be 2014 ! !

Danger Will Robison website

A new style below... gee are the replies sounding like the ones above.  And all this done in a few hours time.  Again check the time on the replies.
See how it's done the next image below.... That site is a blank site, the search item is filled in.. and you get spamed !

Fake search engine websites

The fake site from Yahoo
Fake search engine websites

These new sites have been showing up, buying domain names of old camera sites and "promising" you can get the information you are searching if you just install their trash.
If you read their "terms of service", you won't like what they do.

Web site spyware add on programs