Camera Blog sites
Posted 5-20-'17
Checked 1-1-2023


1.     35hunter � Dan talks technique and gear, and shares his work.

2.     52 Rolls � - Gone

3.     Alex Luyckx � A dedicated film photographer shares his work. - Not secure site -

4.     All My Cameras � Christoph in Germany and his growing collection. In German and in English.

5.     Analog Anecdotes � Film photography, from the photographer�s Minoltas.

6.     Awesome Cameras � Couldn�t tell you who writes this, and the blog doesn�t take comments (note to author: wish you would), but he/she does some nice work

7.     Best in Black and White � The official Ilford blog, with lots of shots on Ilford films from photographers everywhere.

8.     Between light and shadow, a borderline � Roy shares what he�s learned about film photography and shows us his work.

9.     Blatherskite � Moni writes about many things, but mostly about film photography.

10. Broken Camera.Club � Mostly reviews of mostly obscure gear.

11. burnt embers � �ehpem� has shot less digital and more film since 2013, and this blog reflects that.

12. Camera Legend � Sam collects legendary cameras and writes about using them.

13. Canny Cameras � Gear reviews and photographs. This site explained why the Lomography 110 film I use sometimes leaves light spots on some images. A tip of the hat for that.

14. Captured by Film � Frequent postings of film images.

15. Casual Photophile � This site written by James and his crew sets the Internet standard for vintage gear reviews. Excellent writing, excellent images, great cameras. Highly recommended.

16. Curating Cuteness � Gone !

17. Daniel J. Schneider � Daniel posts gear and film reviews, as well as writes about his photographic journey.

18. Emulsive � A blog that aims to prove that film photography isn�t hard.

19. Exploratorius � Now a travel site in India

20. Film Advance � Gary shares images from his eclectic collection of film cameras.

21. Filmosaur � A Luddite not opposed to technology, if that makes sense.

22. Film Photography Blog � A straightforwardly named blog from the Film Shooters Collective.

23. Film Photography Project � You gotta include the blog of the FPP gang.

24. Fogdog Blog � John and his Nikons and his Pentaxes and the northern California coast.

25. For the easily distracted� � Rhianne in the UK shoots film, and lots of it. - Not secure site -

26. I Still Shoot Film � A group blog about all things film.

27. Jeanne Yang Photography � Lots of 35mm film passes through Jeanne�s cameras.

28. John's Cameras � As the title suggests.

29. Kevin the Photographer � Film photographs, technique, and processing.

30. Little Black Star � - Removed from WordPress

31. Neil Kesterson's Photo Blog � A lifelong journey in film.

32. North East Liberties � Michael shares scenes from the region of Northern Ireland his blog is named after. His specialty is printing.

33. Photobooth Journal � I suppose these are mostly film images, but I know that all of them are from photo booths. Katherine has built a fascinating collection of such photos, old and new.

34. Photography and Vintage Cameras � Mike does great work with his old cameras, especially in black and white.

35. Ramblings from the Carrot Room � SilverFox moved from the UK to the US and records his life on film.

36. Random Camera Blog � Mark shoots frequently with his old cameras and shares the results here.

37. Photo-Analogue � Nicholas shares photos from his 20 film cameras and discusses tech and technique.

38. Seeing Wide � Photo walks and street photography, on film.

39. Shelly Sometimes � Shelly is a photographer and graphic designer who favors film. - Site not available -

40. Shimmering Grains � Marie�s film images. Based in Sweden but written in English.

41. Short Stories � Gerald in the UK and his black-and-whites. - Site not available -

42. shot on film � New images from old cameras.

43. Slow Photography � Film photographs from simple vintage cameras.

44. Straight, No Chaser � Derek fixes up old cameras and makes them sing again.

45. the6millionpman � Lots of medium format. - Not available -

46. The Resurrected Camera � Joe explores and discovers with his old film cameras.

47. Urban Hafner Photography � Software developer by day, film photographer when he can find a moment. - Site not available -

48. Utah Film Photography � Vintage gear photographs and reviews.

49. Zorki Photo � Gone ! Stephen dispels the myths about film: that it's too hard and too expensive.
(a quite unusual site - lots of moving frames)