The M. Butkus library of camera instruction manuals

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Butkus Camera Manual Site
Updated - Jan. 2024

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PETRI Camera Instruction Manuals

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List of many other camera manuals collected
from web sites that closed
over the past 10 years.  You must ask by the specific brand
and file name if you want one.

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 Butkus Camera manual site

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 Petri 7  Petri 7S
 Petri 35
(a couple of versions)
 Petri 7sII
* Petri 17 half-frame
  Petri Automate F/1.9    Petri PREST 
 Petri Blue-Scope    Petri Computor II 
 Petri Penta  Petri 1.9
 Petri Penta V  Petri RF
  Petri Penta V2   Petri Flex V
  Petri Penta V3 Flex   Petri ES Auto
 Petri cameras that
are Cosina clones
  Petri E Bn
 Petri Fotochrome   Petri FTX
  Petri SLR 35 Compact   Petri Meter
  Petri Half 7   Petri Cds exposure meter
  Petri Color 35   Petri Color 35E
  Petri FTE   Petri flex V & V3 flier
  Petri FA-1
manual and booklet
  Petri FT
  Petri 2.8   Petri FT EE
  Petri Flex 7   Petri FT 1000
  Petri FT II   Petri V6
  Petri PX-5F    Petri GX-1
* Petri GX-4
  Petri TTL   Petri micro compact
  Petri MF-1 Micro   Petri Compact E
  Petri MF-2   Petri Rapid Flier 
  Petri MF-3   Petri Racer (rangefinder)
  Petri MF 101   Petri MF 102 / MF-103
Petri mount cameras Petri K-mount cameras
Petri lenses and Accessories *

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