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Copyright© 1946
425 S. SanduskY
Delaware, Ohio
WELCOME to the ranks of satisfied Ciro-flex owners! You, like others who have turned to
will find it a precision-built reflex camera capable of giving you consistently better, clearer,
sharper pictures. Every part, every assembly used in its manufacture is the result of painstaking
labor by highly skilled craftsmen whose job it is to give you the best camera possible for your
photographic dollar.
So look upon your Ciro-flex as a fine instrument; care for it as such and it will repay you with a
lifetime of more than satisfactory service.
The first step in using any new camera is to familiarize yourself with its working parts. These parts of your new
Ciro-flex are indicated below, while explanations of their use are presented on the opposite page.
1.VIEWING HOOD:--Snaps open by pressing release lever on left side. Ground glass panel beneath hood reflects actual
print-size image of picture the camera sees. Magnifier inside hood provided for sharp, critical focusing. Small
opening in back panel serves as Sportsfinder for fast action shots.
2. DEPTH-OF-FOCUS CHART:--Accurately calibrated with marked focusing knob to establish a "zone of sharpness" at a given
distance for a predetermined exposure setting. See page 11 for detailed explanation of use.
3. WINDING KNOB:--Rolls film forward to bring next exposure number under red window on back of camera.
4. FOCUSING KNOB:--Turns to bring image into sharp relief on ground glass. Marked for distances from three feet to
infinity. |
5. BACK COVER:--Opens for loading film by pressing down on built-in button at top.
6. VIEWING LENS:--Fine coated f3.2 Wollensak Anastigmat lens synchronized with Taking Lens below to permit sharp
focusing and excellent composition arrangements on the ground glass before each exposure.
7. SHUTTERS:--Your Ciro-flex is equipped with either the Automatic Alphax Shutter or the Wollensak Set-andRelease
Shutter. Both are famous for their accurate, dependable performance. Alphax: speeds range from 1/10th to 1/200th of
a second. Rapax: speeds from 1 to 1/400th of a second. Both provide for bulb and time exposures.
8. TAKING LENS:--f3.5 Wollensak Velostigmat lens, coated and corrected for excellent color work. Perfectly synchronized
with Viewing Lens above. Automatic corrective parallax devise controls both lenses.
9. CABLE RELEASE FITTING:--Built in for either cable release or flash attachment extension. Threaded fittings on right side
and bottom of camera provided for flash attachment and tripod.
Your Ciro-flex takes either Eastman 120 or Agfa B-2 for black-and-white prints while Eastman Kodacolor C-120
may be used for fine color work.
Eastman 120 and Agfa B-2 are available in five different types or grades each of which, properly exposed, will
record the full range of tone values.
Since some types of film are more sensitive to light than others, the specific "speed" of the film being used plus the
intensity of light illuminating the subject should be considered in determining proper exposure setlines.
The use of a good exposure meter is an excellent short-cut through the complications of correct exposure and it
provides you with a selection of lens apertures and shutter speeds that will result in satisfactory negatives.
For your information as well as for a basis of film comparison, the published film speed ratings of each of the films
that fit your Ciro-flex are reprinted below: |
Your Ciro-flex may be loaded with any of the films listed on page 4 in normal daylight without fear of "fogging"
the film. Loading in direct sunlight, however, is to be avoided.
Open the camera by pressing down on Button A and lifting out on back cover panel.
Fit the film on spool holders in Recess B and draw film upward over Focal Plane Opening
C, making sure
that colored protecting paper on film is facing out.
Slip pointed end of film through slot in Take-up Spool D as shown above and turn Winding Knob E a few
times to start film straight on Take-up Spool.
Return back cover panel to closed position and lock in place by pushing up on Button
With camera loaded and back cover panel locked securely, turn Button F to open built-in
Window G.
Then turn Winding Knob until the figure (1) appears under red window. |
To give film maximum protection from light, window should be kept closed at all times except when
transporting film to next exposure number. |
Your Ciro-flex was designed to bring you two separate systems of focusing, both of which serve a
definite purpose . . . the Ground Glass System for sharp, critical focusing and general purpose use, and
the Depth of Focus Scale System for sports events and fast moving objects.
While both systems are fully explained on the following pages, let's first establish a basis of
understanding with regard to certain terms used in any discussion of this subject. |
Diaphragm or Lens Stop
The diaphragm or lens stop is an adjustable iris located in the shutter between the lens elements. It
controls the amount of light passed through the fine "wocoated" Wollensak taking lens used by Ciro-flex.
It also serves as the devise that controls the depth of focus in your Ciro-flex.
The picture you see
Is the picture you take
Depth-of-Focus . . .
When the lens is focused on a point or object, those subjects somewhat nearer and farther away from the
lens are relatively sharp also. This effect is called
"depth-of-focus". As the diaphragm is made smaller . . .
i.e., as the lens is stepped down, you will note that this field of relatively sharp focus is extended to
subjects even nearer and farther away from the object upon which the lens is focused as illustrated above. |
Correct Exposure Setting . . .
The correct exposure setting for a given picture depends upon the intensity of the light with which the
subject is illuminated and the speed of the film being used. When these quantities are known, the shutter
may be adjusted to the proper diaphragm opening and set for the right length of time to result in sharp,
clear negatives of a density which will permit making good prints.
With knowledge of film speed values, the use of a good exposure meter is recommended as an excellent
short-cut to correct exposure settings.
FOCUSING . . . Ground Glass System
The Ciro-flex Ground Glass System of focusing gives you a print-size preview of every picture you take
before you expose the film. It is used in most general cases where time permits and is particularly
recommended for taking portraits and other pictures where sharp, clear, crispness of detail is desired.
To focus on the ground glass, open the viewing hood by pressing down on release lever on left side of
camera. Now, by holding the camera in your left hand up close to your chest, you can look down onto the
ground glass and see an actual print-size image of the picture the camera actually sees projected in full
negative size (2 1/4 x 2 1/4 ).
Next step is to frame the image you see to obtain an interesting arrangement for picture composition.
You mav find it necessary to take a few steps forward or backward . . . or to raise or lower the camera to achieve a special angle effect. |
After you have framed the picture you want, turn the focusing knob until the principal object in your
picture image stands out in bright, sharp relief.
Whenever extra sharp, critical focusing is desired, the magnifying glass attached to top panel of
viewing hood may be flipped into position over the ground glass image.
FOCUSING . . . Ground Glass
Knowing the speed of the film you're using and estimating (or checking with a light meter) the intensity
of the light on your subject, you then adjust the shutter to the correct exposure setting and
wind the
shutter. Check your ground glass once more to make sure of distance and composition, press up on the
shutter release trigger and the picture is yours forever.
The Ciro-flex Sportsfinder is a small opening in the back panel of the viewing hood to serve your need
for fast-action sports shots. For sharper, clearer action prints, pre-focus on the ground glass as described above
usingsome object where the action is to occur as your focal point.
Then press the front panel of the viewing hood down to the small catch lock on the back panel. Now,
instead of looking through the ground glass, you merely raise the camera and "catch" the action through
the Sportsfinder. If time does not permit pre-focusing on the ground glass, the Sportsfinder may be used with the Ciro -flex Depth -of-Focus Scale System described on page 11. |
FOCUSING . . . Depth-of Focus System
The Ciro-flex Depth-of-Focus Scale is located on the camera-body just above the focusing knob. To use
this scale, focus the camera as already explained or simply judge the distance between the camera lens
and your subject.
After determining the correct exposure setting, read the footage distance on the focusing knob that falls
between your diaphragm opening figures appearing on both sides of the zero line on the depth-of-focus
This distance represents a "zone of sharpness" extending in front of and behind the focal point of your
picture. Any objects within those limits will be relatively sharp on the negative. |
For example, in the picture at right, the focus is set at 18 feet. If the diaphragm is set at
f/l6, the depth
of focus--or "zone of sharpness"-- extends 10 feet in front and 100 feet behind the focal point of your
picture. Or, using f.4 diaphragm opening with focus set at 18 feet, the depth of focus extends from 15 feet
to 22 feet.

When taking ordinary snapshots, it is not always necessary to focus on the ground glass. By merely
using the depth-of-focus scale, you can readily "set" your camera for a "zone of sharpness" and follow this
famous Ciro-flex snapshot rule:
This rule is presented as a helpful guide to increase the usefulness of your Ciro-flex. In practice this
rule permits you to carry your camera set at a "zone of sharpness" ready for instant use should a good
subject appear unexpectedly. You need only set the shutter speed according to the brightness of the light
and the kind of film used to insure Rood.
Ciro-flex Camera Case--
Made of genuine cowhide attractively lined with dubonnet velvet. Designed to
permit unrestricted use of the protected camera. Just drop the front cover as shown and you're ready for
action. |
Cable Release--Cable releases are available for use with your Ciro-flex. They are a valuable accessory for
time or bulb exposures where a slight movement of the camera may ruin an excellent picture.
Flash Gun--Any flash attachment of standard make which will fit the Alphax or Rapax Shutters may be
used with the Ciro-flex.
Tripod--Any tripod having a 1/4" - 20 thread attachment will fit the Ciro-flex.
Filters--Any well-known make of filters in the 32mm. mount size will fit your Ciro-flex camera. For all
practical purposes the medium yellow is recommended.
Portrait Lenses--Your dealer carries a selection of special lenses for fine portrait photography which will
bring the image up closer than three feet. These supplementary lenses can be obtained in various focal
lengths and should be mounted to fit the 32mm. diameter lens mount.