"Orphan cameras" listing of

Photography Catalogs

These catalogs show various photo equipment for sale from these companies

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I no longer add to this section, after several years no one as stated they viewed any of these catalogs.

* 1972 camera sales catalog
Abe Cohen's Camera Exchange
- 1940
Burke & James catalogs -
1942, 1938, 1963
American Handbook of Photography - Illustrated
* Canon Sales Catalog,
French - 1969
Camera Craft - June 1917 Cine Equipment -
U.K. Camera Store 1962
Central Camera Co.
- 1938 & 1958
Central Camera Co. 1940s Competitive Camera catalog - 1977
* *
Burke & James - 1916
1929 Kodak Catalog *
* Garden Camera Catalog - 1979
* *
* Illustrated Catalogue of
Photo Equipment - 1891
Kodak cameras - 1940 *
Kirk, Geary & Co.
photo supplies - 1901
* Montgomery Wards 1954
Layafette Radio 1939 Montgomery Wards 1956
Layafette Radio 1943 Montgomery Wards 1957
Montgomery Wards
Camera Catalog - 1950
Montgomery Wards
1952 camera catalog
* Olden Camera and
Lens Company - 1960
* Peerless Camera Store - 1948
PREMO Cameras 1918 PEERLESS camera store catalog -
1942, 1947, 1948, 1957-'58
Photographic Ads 1888 -1940
580 pages of antique camera ads -
Three Parts
* Sears Camera Catalog - 1912
* *
* *
Sears 1939 cameras Sears cameras 1941
Sears 1940 camera catalog Sears 1956 camera catalog
Sears 1952 camera catalog Sears 1959 camera catalog
Sears Catalog 1976 -77 Sears 1977-78 camera catalog
Toronto Camera Centre - 1971 Sears 1981 - 1982
Toronto Camera Centre - 1972 *
* Snap Shots Magazine
1929, 1931
Webbs Photo Catalog ('60's) *
* Wholesale Radio Services
- 1938
* *

